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Honest question for enviornmentalists

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posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 10:11 PM
The big question i have for the strong enviornmental minded people is this.....Would you still support the anit- GW plans even if you knew the CO2 and warming link were fradulent and may cause unnecessary tax's and even allow the biggest polluters to get away (military).....because it raises awareness of the enviornment and causes some minor but clearly positive changes.......think about it please

i come in peace lol

p.s i realize that should you answer yes this doesn't take away from the evidence you have that supports your beliefs

also i would ask for those that are not "enviornmentalists" to do their best to hold back

[edit on 8-7-2009 by cpdaman]

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 10:46 PM
I love Earth's environment as it is a great place to hang out.

But I think GW and carbon taxes are complete BS.

Global Warming? More like Cooling lol, it was really cold today. At least I felt it was cold, my wife is more cold natured and didnt notice much.

I wore a long sleeve shirt and its suppose to be summer time.

But by all means, stop throwing garbage on the side of the road, its very tacky and unsightly.

But carbon tax ? Thats highway robbery.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by cpdaman
The big question i have for the strong enviornmental minded people is this.....Would you still support the anit- GW plans even if you knew the CO2 and warming link were fradulent and may cause unnecessary tax's and even allow the biggest polluters to get away (military).....because it raises awareness of the enviornment and causes some minor but clearly positive changes.......think about it please

i come in peace lol

I don't think anyone supports a new tax, especially if that new tax is for something that won't happen...especially the way in which you worded the question.

It'd be like asking a French or Polish person if they would support the Nazis even if they knew they would eventually conquer their country...The obvious answer is, "Uhh, no."

Unfortunately the mean average temperature for the globe is not cooling, and there is ample evidence from scientific, nonpartisan sites around the globe that support the global warming/climate change theory. It's also really easy to find out why some years are cooler than previous years if one is willing to peel themselves away from sources with partisan agendas.

I posted many such links in a recent thread, and you're more than welcome to look it up if you'd like.

I'll end this like every other thread that poses this question:

If you don't like cap and trade, please, lobby against it. However, there is abundant evidence that global warming is occuring and we do have an affect on it. We also affect the environment with chemical pollutants, deforestation, logging, overgrazing, etc. We need to be responsible so future generations can enjoy a clean Earth.

Don't let the political circus pull you in.

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