posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 09:46 AM
If it was down to me as an individual to decide what kind of world we lived in I'd have to outline it first.
There would be no such thing as Money or currency. Before you flame hear me out.
Theory : We have our world as we know it today, and I were to stop money tomorrow. I'd have to outline some things first, I would say to the people,
work will still need to be done, by those that can do it properly, water and food production would continue , fuel production would continue, luxury
goods and clothing would still have to be made.
The people that didn't want to work would have to in some form or other. You would have to provide for your families by toiling in the fields or some
There wouldn't be any 'sat on your backsides mooching off the sweat of others'. Hospitals would get all they require to treat the sick, the young
would learn valuable skills in schools like farming, tolerance, respect and sports. The elderly IF they wanted to contribute could, those that
couldn't would be looked after, after they have toiled throughout their years already.
Homes would be allocated by family size and there would be a 2 child limit, any more and you'd have to work longer to provide for them.
Cars and TVs would be the same, Precious metals and gems would be used for medical uses if possible and gems for decorations and jewelry as they are
Those that didn't want to work because they are lazy would soon realise that they'd have to.
The world would work if there was no such thing as money or currency, man would learn to find his potential both mentally and spritually. There
wouldn't be wars for profit or oil, man would help man, religeon could be practiced without fear of persecution but intolerance against another would
lead to jail. If people waited to get allocated their items instead of rushing out grabbing what you can as we do now anyway, it would be a better
world for all, of course though you would need a single world government that actually worked for the people as a whole and not for a few individuals
to organise it.
There are jobs that would need to continue to support the planet and people , food and water production, power supplies to be maintained, clothing to
be made, other jobs such as banks , gambling sites and such would close to make way for homes , technology would find new ways to help of course,
there wouldn't be any need to allocate money or grants to medicine development or research of new tech. All illnesses could be treated without having
to do a lottery of who from where gets what treatment. Pollution would diminish due to those businesses that pollute ( I know my office here produces
WAY above what the EU regulate) . The world could develop new technology for transport without having to rely of fossil fuels, of course there would
be the people that needed to learn and research this new gear, but there would be a surplus population that could step in to fill the void, the
bankers and bookies and others.
We only know the world we live, and we are not allowed to try anything thing else " as it wouldn't work" , how do we know? we were never given the
option to look into other ways .
Trouble is we are told we need money to survive, I'm a banker but if I had the money to buy a farm I would gladly give up the money-go-round to
produce farm foods.
We are told that by people who have all the money in the world , but I say different.
We could have instead of paying trillions to failing companies and to line the pockets of greedy people , could've used that money to actually
abolish money altogether, make a new fresh start,but such is the way of the world.