posted on May, 7 2004 @ 12:33 AM
If we're talking about Solomon, then you must also remember what happened to him for dabbling in things he was not supposed to be involved with. His
is the often told story in the Old Testament, of those who compromise the truth by dabbling in mysticism, occultism, and pagan religions, which might
seem more convenient at the time.
If you are to believe in the Solomon that the Bible speaks of (and I don't know if you do or expect you to), then you must also realize that his
wisdom was a gift from God, and any book, Cabala or otherwise, which speaks of things in direct opposition to His (God's) teaching, was not the
wisdom that he (Solomon) was so famous for.
I believe demons are real, and I believe that it is possible to summon them, but the summoner is never really in control. From a Christian
perspective, it's the ultimate folly, for we know that nothing short of God can control a demon. Anything else is just gambling with your life (and
But, of course, that's just my opinion, and who the hell am I?