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Sleeping with the awakened

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posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 11:14 AM
I wake up at 7:30 AM every day and I lie there in a sort of trance. My body is mostly paralyzed with my eyes shut, though I am aware of this. My being (consciousness) or termed “mind” is elsewhere, all the while in a trance. I can sense myself and that which I am wandering about somewhere else. I make due with the short amount of time that is available to me. I recall my dream or dreams as if they were (are) apart of my reality, the here and now and not simply the past as in the night prior. It is the most awkward feeling and sensation that I have ever felt, and relaying this to you is even more difficult. This sensation has power and a sense of control that is beyond me, though not at the same time. One can wonder of its intentions and desires, though I presume all is fare. Death, destruction, pain and chaos are only fragments – no pieces – of the greater “it” that simply is. One cannot experience pleasure without pain, and vice a versa. These trances last only a few seconds in the physical, but hours in the nothing. I open my eyes, sit up and then move on with my day.

A thought tends to occur at random intervals throughout my day, “what if I am living a dream?” It seems that there really is no way of knowing anything, for anything worth knowing is better kept quiet, and even if one wanted to relay such a known one could not guarantee its understanding by anyone, nor the realization of it. The only knowing that ever is or was comes from within, or so it would seem. If everything comes from within then is it improper to assume anything, especially assuming those things that appear to be external (yet another assumption)?


“Every being on this planet is experiencing the same reality or close thereof as me.”

How does one know anything? Truth is your truth, and his or her truth is their truth. Truth is only truth to those that know it is true, therefore there is no truth and there is no reality but that which is your own. That which is your own reality can then be freedom and enjoyed, perhaps?


“A huge population of beings but one cannot possibly be in on something that this one is not aware of.”

Assumptions are your own destroyers. You think something and then it (your own thought) destroys your thought(s). Interesting isn’t it? Seriously though, everyone is not in on some super secret plan to thwart your consciousness from ever realizing itself. That would be nonsensical. *smiles*


“We are most likely alone in the Universe due to there not being that many planets with carbon or the – right – materials to host life, and if there happens to be one then there is absolutely no way that it could travel all the way across all of those light-years to reach our humble little planet deemed Earth.”

I see things differently. I find it quite humorous to throw everything you can at something that you fear, for fear itself is of your own. I will ask you a question: “What is more interesting, a glorious life, or a limited life?”

So here we are seeing things with a new light and wondering how it was that we got here in the first place. Perhaps someone has an out of body experience (OOBE), or their neighbor slipped acid into a drink at a local gathering, or even a grandmother passes down an old book for someone to read. Let me ask you another question: “What is the difference between a dream and a memory?”

Do you ever recall reciting a quant children’s rhyme when you were little? “Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.”

So, I suppose the world can be a vampire, or a pleasurable journey into the nothing, or a penal colony, or a glitch. Either way is it not the most amazing and interesting thing since Chinese food? I am having a blast, and so I will leave you with this. Smile. No matter what happens you are more than you will ever know, at least for now and why not enjoy this, for whatever it may or may not be.

“To live a limited life is to enjoy reality to its maximum.” –Just don’t forget where the door is on your rollercoaster car.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 01:34 PM
Interesting. Lately my awakening for the day has changed and it's very similar to yours. I awake in a place where I am cognizant of the melding of the subconcious and the conscious. This has been lasting for longer durations each day. Today's lasted almost ten minutes. My body is also 9/10 paralyzed as well.

I attribute this to the thinning of the veil of forgetfulness. It is thinning in all facets of life and this phenomena is another drop in the bucket closer to the zero point approaching.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 01:43 PM
Given the title of this thread, I thought at first that it might be about great sex with someone who is fully consciously aware..

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