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Bill Gives Attorney General Power To Designate Gun Owners, Tax Protesters As Terrorists

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posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 08:37 AM
You have got to read this.

In light of the Patriot Act's powers to forcibly rendition people out of the country and deny them habeas corpus rights to a trial, this bill allows the Attorney General to declare Americans who protest the government as terrorists and lock them away with no rights and no trial.

In my opinion, this is the most disturbing piece of legislation ever created.

Infowars reports:

Amendments to the 2010 National Defense Authorization Act, which has already been passed by the House, would empower the Attorney General Eric Holder to define gun owners, anti-abortion activists and tax protesters as domestic terrorists in light of recent federal reports that classify millions of Americans as “extremists”.
The evidence required to show that such an organization is affiliated with a violent hate group includes people possessing tattoos identifying them with the group, individuals who attend conferences or rallies sponsored by a “hate group,” people who engage in online discussion forums of an “extremist” nature, people who possess documents, books or photographs or simply “related materials as defined by the Attorney General” that represent “hate propaganda.”
The bill’s definition of “people associated or affiliated with hate groups” include, “Groups or organizations that espouse an intention or expectation of armed revolutionary activity against the United States Government,” or “Other groups or organizations that are determined by the Attorney General to be of a violent, extremist nature.”

Here is the amendment in question, which I believe needs no further explanation.

This particular amendment states:

#82 (#5 in link)

"Would prohibit the recruitment, enlistment, or retention of individuals associated or affiliated with groups associated with hate-related violence against groups or persons or the United States government."

credit Tser78 #5

[edit on 7-7-2009 by mnemeth1]

[edit on 7-7-2009 by mnemeth1]

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 08:50 AM
Yep sign me up. I carry a bible, a copy of the constitution and a glock on occasion. I have no qualms using the first two at the drop of a hat. The other takes a little more thinking before it is used. However that time might be approaching. I'll shut up now before I say something else.



posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 08:50 AM
Great, it just gets worse doesn't it? We can tell with all these bills going in that TPTB are trying to goad the people into a revolution so they can claim innocence and say they never did anything.

However it seems to be getting to the point where we have to do SOMETHING, I just can't think of what would work aside from anything that would guarantee martial law being declared, just like they want.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 09:06 AM
Digg the thread and flag it.

I'm of the mind this story needs to be spread far and wide.

People need to be informed of what our government is up to.

Our government is acting in a rogue fashion, completely outside the bounds of its constitutional authority.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 09:11 AM
Too bad us conspiracy nuts are crazy and make up stuff. Right?

They're in "your face" now with all of this, and still some people REFUSE to believe it.

Its all out in the open. No more hiding little things, yet so many are sleeping right thru it all.

Its incomprehensible.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 09:33 AM
I wonder if the entire state of New Hampshire is on the "extremist" list? "Live Free or Die" is on everything.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 10:59 AM
If you wanna get fired up, watch this:

Pastor Anderson unloads on government tyranny with a scathing verbal assault.

His speech is probably one of the most moving patriotic speeches I have heard since Jefferson.

[edit on 7-7-2009 by mnemeth1]

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 11:20 AM
I'm getting really tired of this s*. These sell outs in Washington are digging their own graves. The French revolution was not pretty and did not bode well for the Governing elite when retaliation took place. They are going to be pushing to far very soon.

[edit on 7-7-2009 by Anonymous Avatar]

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by mnemeth1

So basically everyone and anyone who disagrees with getting screwed over by our gov if it so happens ?

That mixed with the FEMA Camps really brings the picture into a clearer focus...

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by LucidDreamer85
reply to post by mnemeth1

So basically everyone and anyone who disagrees with getting screwed over by our gov if it so happens ?

That mixed with the FEMA Camps really brings the picture into a clearer focus...

That's right.

Throughout history tyrannical government has moved to suppress two fundamental freedoms before all others.

Rights of protest (free speech) and gun rights.

The totality of these laws is to provide a chilling effect on free speech.

To prevent people from speaking out at all for fear of prosecution.

Even if these laws are to pass, we must not and cannot be bullied into being quite.

Do not shut up.

Do not be afraid.

[edit on 7-7-2009 by mnemeth1]

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 12:04 PM
Well, then we must create peace groups, with peacefull intentions who dont go against their goverments, but instead go against their ideology.
Thats not listed is it??


posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous Avatar
I'm getting really tired of this s*. These sell outs in Washington are digging their own graves. The French revolution was not pretty and did not bode well for the Governing elite when retaliation took place. They are going to be pushing to far very soon.

[edit on 7-7-2009 by Anonymous Avatar]

That is the plan my friend. They are doing it on purpose. It all really depends on how many of the sell outs escape if what you say will happen does indeed come to pass.

I suspect many of the traitors will abandon our shores for the shores of the countries that are helping destroy this nation.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 12:10 PM
one more freedom loving video.

July4Patriot speaks a a tea party rally.

He gives us a history lesson on the men who signed the declaration of independence and what it means to swear an oath to the constitution.

If you are a sworn officer, member of the military, or elected official, I ask you to re-affirm the oath you swore to the constitution along with the Oathkeepers represented in this video.

If you are former military, like myself, your oath DOES NOT EXPIRE. You swore an oath to uphold the constitution against ALL enemies foreign and domestic.

Reaffirm your oath.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 12:16 PM
You know, for the longest time I thought that this whole concept was ridiculous...but it makes sense now. My only problem is that I still do not believe that people are inherently evil...but all this NWO stuff makes me think otherwise.

I do not want to see a revolution, because it is going to be a long and drawn out battle...however, I do not see how this can be avoided if things do not change.

We need to get this country back to its basics. Get rid of the fed and take back our freedoms!

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 12:17 PM
I would recommend OP revise his post to correctly reflect the nature of the amendment.

Here is the amendment in question, which I believe receives no further explanation.

This particular amendment states:


"Would prohibit the recruitment, enlistment, or retention of individuals associated or affiliated with groups associated with hate-related violence against groups or persons or the United States government."

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 12:22 PM
Hm....waiting for more sources than just INFOWARS

But I agree, it's not looking too good. However, I won't hold my breath as this website isn't the most credible.

Also, when I see protestors or gun owners and such being arrested..then I'll start to believe it.

[edit on 7-7-2009 by GorehoundLarry]

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by GorehoundLarry
Hm....waiting for more sources than just INFOWARS

But I agree, it's not looking too good. However, I won't hold my breath as this website isn't the most credible.

Also, when I see protestors or gun owners and such being arrested..then I'll start to believe it.

[edit on 7-7-2009 by GorehoundLarry]

amended OP post with links to thomas and the gop review.


edited amendment link to actual PDF of entire amendment hosted on the House's website.

[edit on 7-7-2009 by mnemeth1]

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 12:56 PM
Well I think the term "hate group" really needs to be defined as in what constitutes labeling a group as a hate group.

On the surface it just sounds as if it is targeting groups that actually kill individuals based on a hate.

That being said with the inclusion of tattoos it almost sounds like it could also be used to target intercity gangs which I find interesting.

I'm all for a republic I just don't see this particular piece is all that threatening depending on what is defined as a hate group. However there is plenty of other things that are well overstepping the boundaries of the original constitution.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by Darthorious
Well I think the term "hate group" really needs to be defined as in what constitutes labeling a group as a hate group.

On the surface it just sounds as if it is targeting groups that actually kill individuals based on a hate.

That being said with the inclusion of tattoos it almost sounds like it could also be used to target intercity gangs which I find interesting.

I'm all for a republic I just don't see this particular piece is all that threatening depending on what is defined as a hate group. However there is plenty of other things that are well overstepping the boundaries of the original constitution.

The constitution protects your right to hate.

This is fundamental to ensuring we have a free society.

The first amendment is not designed to protect speech we can all agree with, its designed to protect speech that makes us uncomfortable and down right angry.

The supreme court has rightly ruled that HATE speech - even calls to violence - are protected under the first amendment given time for additional action and speech to be made.

Judge Napolitiano on Freedom Watch commented that a man inciting a mob to violence against a person in Washington, while they are in another state, is PROTECTED speech because there is obviously time involved for a person to travel in order to carry out the actions incited.

We have a fundamental right to protest government and even call for its forcible removal under the first amendment, which is why the founding fathers put it in the constitution to begin with.

[edit on 7-7-2009 by mnemeth1]

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 01:09 PM
"Prohibition on recruitment, enlistment, or retention of persons associated with hate-related violence against groups or persons or the united states government."

"Groups or organizations that esponse or engage in acts of violence against other groups or minorities based on ideals of hate, ethnic supremacies, white supremacies, racism, anti-Semitism, xenophobia, or other bigotry ideologies."

"Groups or organizations engaged in criminal gang activity including rug and weapons trafficking and smuggling."

So far, I agree with all of this. I don't know about you, but these things are wrong

Now this one can be misunderstood:

"Groups of organizations that esponse an intention of expectation of armed revolutionary activity against the United States government, or the violent overthrow of the United States government."

Basically, that means don't go out and say "Let's hang Obama." K? K. Death threats to the president isn't smart.

"Groups or organizations that encourage members to join the armed forces in order to obtain military training to be used for acts of VIOLENCE against minorities, other groups, or the United States Government."

Kinda like karate.

Now this part I disagree with:

"EVIDENCE OF ASSOCIATION OR AFFILIATION WITH HATE GROUP----The following shall constitute evidence that a person is associated or affiliated with a group associated with hate-related violence:"


"Individuals possessing tattoos or other body markings indicating association or affiliation with a hate group."

What's their definition of hate?

"Individuals known to have attend meetings, rallies, conferences, or other activities sponsored by a hate group."

Alright , you get the point.

So basically, they're actually trying to...clean up the military? What? Not allowing racists into the military anymore? HOW DARE THEY

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