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rush limbaugh does it again

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posted on May, 6 2004 @ 10:21 PM
ahh, It's always about the Oil. Why is not oil cheaper for the world then, hell, why is oil not cheaper for just the US. To even think that the entire logical thought behind going to war in Iraq is simply because of oil is inane. Bush and company are playing high stakes poker with the future. If they were wrong time will tell.
Whether or not troops in Iraq are dieing for Oil is so god awfully short sighted. Do you think the poor bastard fighting over there thinks about oil? That's what we are talking about here; what is in the minds of the troops. I don't think they care about your politics or mine, I think they care about their friends, they care about getting home. Whether or not it is a "just" war is irrelevant. Don't think this doesn't matter. The same willy nilly logic is what caused people to treat the Nam vets with such disdain. We ARE at war, that fact causes the people fighting it to react in certain ways. They are not rationalizing why we are fighting and juxtaposing that with their treatment of combatants. They are just people put in a sh!ty situation doing what they think is best. If they do things that are completely contrary to the rules governing them, then they should be forced to pay the consequences. Don't say what happens to them is justified in any shape or form. If you truly believe that the war is unjust vote the Government leader out of power, leave the troops alone.


posted on May, 6 2004 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by Nerdling
Limbaugh is funding Nader.

Just thought i'd interject that
Yes its a fact, i was informed about it today after a rather infuriated liberal informed me that bush was on 46% and kerry on 43% with Nader on 7%

Seriously, Nerdling? I mean this has to be... outrageous. Why would a conservative republican such as Limbaugh have any motive to fund his political opponent, Nader? That doesn't make any sense to me. Please enlighten me, if you could. Personally, as an Independent, I wouldn't mind a different candidate other than Nader anyway. Something about him just doesn't sit right with me.

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 10:45 PM
ahh, It's always about the Oil. Why is not oil cheaper for the world then, hell, why is oil not cheaper for just the US. To even think that the entire logical thought behind going to war in Iraq is simply because of oil is inane. Bush and company are playing high stakes poker with the future. If they were wrong time will tell.
Whether or not troops in Iraq are dieing for Oil is so god awfully short sighted. Do you think the poor bastard fighting over there thinks about oil? That's what we are talking about here; what is in the minds of the troops. I don't think they care about your politics or mine, I think they care about their friends, they care about getting home. Whether or not it is a "just" war is irrelevant. Don't think this doesn't matter. The same willy nilly logic is what caused people to treat the Nam vets with such disdain. We ARE at war, that fact causes the people fighting it to react in certain ways. They are not rationalizing why we are fighting and juxtaposing that with their treatment of combatants. They are just people put in a sh!ty situation doing what they think is best. If they do things that are completely contrary to the rules governing them, then they should be forced to pay the consequences. Don't say what happens to them is justified in any shape or form. If you truly believe that the war is unjust vote the Government leader out of power, leave the troops alone.

I am sorry but yes it is about the oil. Oil is not cheaper because OPEC is pissed off now,why would they do us a favor?
Yes, they are playing poker but they are not good at it. What do you mean time will tell. Time is telling right now.
You know what the troops are thinking. They are thinking"i sgned up to protect my country and now i am over here,WTF, these guys are no threat to my country. I am a threat to theirs."
And nobody knows if these vets will be treated like the 'nam' vets. These vets arent coming

[Edited on 6-5-2004 by ashley]

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 11:00 PM

Why would a conservative republican such as Limbaugh have any motive to fund his political opponent, Nader?

Because Democrats would split the vote between Nader and Kerry, giving Bush less of an opposition.

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 11:36 PM
Oh spare me the Rush is a Great American stuff. He's a Arrogant, Self-Righteous Loudmouth who is so wrapped up in his own B.S. that his own Pride has made him Blind to his own failures both personally and professionally.

His attitude of intolerance toward anyone who does not fully submit to his Narrow Minded, Ox-like approach at viewing the world approaches the levels of a poorly written TV Drama character in that there is no development or expansion beyond his shallow first impression.

The only sympathy or compassion the man may have or can possibly express is that which involves his own woes and hardships in life. When even that surfaces it only manifests as a reminder of what a true Self-Involved Ass he really is, as the only flexibility he allows comes in the form of his own Self-Pity.

He is no doubt an accomplished speaker who can and does rally the wills of many in a unified direction and with a common goal. He is intelligent in that he is a well read intellectual, however he lacks the simple wisdom found in almost any child and presents himself in the typical time old fashion of a fool who is drunk on his own delusions & opinions. He speaks highly of his own accomplishments to such a degree that he seems unable to understand the strength of character found in the actions of Humble Men or the value that can be found in realizing Humility in one's own reflection.

I understand that some may not agree with some or all of my personal opinions stated above. That is perfectly fine of course since everyone is entitled to their own opinion about the man. I'm not asking for those of opposing perspectives to agree with me, nor should anyone expect my views to change in accordance to theirs. The real question is whether or not others will Accept that my statements are just as valid as theirs. If they can, IMO, they're 'One Up' on even Rush himself, in that at least they've realized a world outside their own Ego.

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by ashley

P.S. fathead limbaugh and hannity are pop radio stars. Because they are average, they are not intelligent,they are not witty, they are not clever. They are very ordinary thats why they are pop stars.

Well, I guess this is good news for us average folks! We, too, can hold the number one and number two slots in American radio! WOOHOO!

EDIT: Wow, read through the second page of this thread...I wasn't flamed! Neither was Hannity! I'm shocked! (And by "flamed" I mean brought up as being wrong and stating where my statements were false.)

[Edited on 5-6-2004 by junglejake]

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 11:49 PM
God bless Rush.........

It seems anytime I think I have said something stupid, Rush comes along and truly says something so out of whack that I feel better about myself.

Out of fairness to the Maha-Rushsi, I listened to his show for several months to get a feel for his point of views...... after all that, I can say with no doubt that he is a bigot and has little if nothing of value to share with listeners in the way of constructive thought. He is a party line tower....nothing more.

That being said, I do think he is a talented broadcaster.

I say we get Donavan McNabb and Rush together for a little "one on one" practice......

[Edited on 6-5-2004 by Facefirst]

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by Variable

Please, are you going to try to make moral arguments in favor of terror per. se.? I would love to hear you try.

Well besides putting words in mouth and the usual tactic of the left of calling anyone who is effective and on the opposite political spectrum a "moron," you present a straw-man argument by asking me to prove something I didn't say.

Morals are whatever you to believe to be "right" and "wrong." That's what the word means.
[Edited on 5/6/2004 by Variable]

Nice try. How about actually addressing what I said. You said: "let's assume that some terror tactics in war are ok." Then your outdated, long ago debunked argument; above.

Most of what we call morals are innate. That is to say; Good in and of themselves. I'm willing to bet that you are of the type who holds that it is both OK to kill someone if they are thought to be about to kill you, and at the same time call abortion murder. The crux of this is that both acts refer back to the same moral imperative that killing is wrong. This hypothetical position is logically indefensable. That is to say that whatever arguments for one point are contradicted by the other. When boiled down to thier essential morality, one is in conflict with the other.

As to calling Rush a moron, I would like to offer my whole-hearted apology to all morons out there who have the warewithall to be insulted by being compared to a cretin such as Rush. Sorry, Morons of the World!

Your ends justify the means argument is equally as vulnerable to rebuttal, and for the same reasons. Moral codes for individuals vs, for nations are by nature, diverse. The Utilitarian morality you espouse more appropriately represents that of a Nation's responsability to it's cititzens. Again, when boiled down, reduces to the same untenable position.

I would like to hear your structured argument in defense of your position. Bring it on! What is the basis for your morality? How do your assertions relate back to that basis?

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 12:57 PM
Rush is an idiot, plain and simple. He doesn't even deserve a commentary from me, much less a thread about the arrogant, closed minded bastard. I don't think I'll waste my time. If you like Rush, you're one of "them", and nothing I say will change that.

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 01:23 PM
Hey, we can't blame Rush for what comes out of his mouth. I mean, when you're high on who-knows-what, after a week long drug binge, you can't be help responisble for your statments or actions!

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by Flinx
Hey, we can't blame Rush for what comes out of his mouth. I mean, when you're high on who-knows-what, after a week long drug binge, you can't be help responisble for your statments or actions!

And yet he condemns everyone who can't afford the high priced drugs he was on. :shk: The guy is too much of a hipocryte to be taken seriously.

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by Flinx
Hey, we can't blame Rush for what comes out of his mouth. I mean, when you're high on who-knows-what, after a week long drug binge, you can't be help responisble for your statments or actions!

Sure you can. I've been high for a week before, and I still know what I'm talking about, and even doing.

posted on May, 10 2004 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe
For the record, how does anyone listen to Limbaugh and his attitude for more than a fw minutes? Whereever could his audience be?

Oddly enough, several Mods & SuperMods here at ATS. Back when I first came here & started posting an opposing view, I was suprised that people on this type of board would not only listen, but quote him!

Then, I go out of country on busines & BAM! They're all staff!

posted on May, 10 2004 @ 12:39 PM
This moron named Rush obviously doesn't understand that these actions quite possibly have effectively served to recruit a potential great number more terrorists to their cause. He doesn't realize that al-Sadr, Hussein, bin Laden (wherever he is) are jumping for joy over this situation.

I don't understand how he compares the minor debauchery of a BS or Madonna concert to an event that will in time, cost more Americans their lives.

I'm writing an e-mail to Rush to re-affirm for him his big fat idiot status.

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