posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout
Well I'll be happy to explain myself to everybody, I'm not a very shy person and most of the folks I talk with here know whats up.
Basically I have already adopted 2 children from foreign countries. I gay and me and my husband decided we wanted a huge family. We had a surrogate
deliver our youngest we have now, but the other two were adopted.
Now that my eldest is out of the house and in University I've decided to adopt another and give a child who otherwise might not have a life at all, a
chance at a truly marvelous life here in Canada.
As far as Ethiopia, we wanted a culturally diverse family, so with each adoption we decided to have them from different countries. Ethiopia was kind
of my choice this time.
Anyway, it's the joy of my life to watch a child who didn't have a chance, actually grow up to be a productive, smart and outreaching member of
society, that's why I do it most of all.
As for the replies, thanks guys I really appreciate it, you'd think I would be use to this but it has been about 12 years since our last adoption so
I think i've lost my touch haha.
In any case, you all are wonderful.
As for advice in adoption or fostering, it's the best feeling in the world when you see you make a difference, especially in kids who've had trouble
lives. I would suggest getting them young since that way any trauma can be replaced with good memories, but either way it will work so long as you
are a patient and give them a loving environment full of acceptance...
[edit on 7/7/2009 by tothetenthpower]