posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 06:36 PM
Well whats interesting to me is people who point to the debate about global warming and say "hey, its not proven" and use that as an excuse to
pollute the earth all they want and never take any responsibility for their garbage and destruction.
Personally The whole warming issue doesnt bother me one way or another because if things get too hot, wooptie doo, humans might not survive, and
i dont really care about that. What i DO care about is a race that is so self indulgent and self centered that they can allow their lifestyle to
completely destroy the air, land and sea for ALL occupants of the planet, and not care a whit of a whit.
Its strange to me that we are being told each year to eat less fish, each year more cities have smog alerts, every couple months we are finding
out about more foreign and toxic chemicals being found in our waters such as prozac, benzene, excitotoxins, and yet some will sit there and say "well
scientists havent proved that we are warming the globe, so i dont have to pick up after myself.".
This is just typical of the american mindset, and its people using any excuse to not care about the impact they have on those around them. I have
japanese relatives in tokyo, and i can tell you that as a society they are almost the opposite. Their whole homes are models of effeciency, they
reuse their own garbage and recycle everything. Their bathrooms are arranged to conserve energy and materials, as are their whole lives.
The native americans were originally much the same. Americans, however, care about nothing but themselves, not even about their childrens
children, whom they are leaving a land broke and broken.
Some native american tribes in antiquity used to consider the repercussions of their actions to 7 generations down the line when making important
decisions. Americans today cant even consider the effects their actions will have next year. Seems they cant see fit to consider anything other
than their own comfort and money.