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Question about H1N1

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posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 02:41 PM
There is a lot of talk about older people, born before 1957, having some sort of immunity against H1N1. In europe they say a lot of people who contracted the flu back in 1977 are immune. As far as I know off, none of these theories are proven.

So we had the first wave of H1N1. We know it is going to get worse before it gets better during the second wave, the numbers of infected people will rise towards the end of the summer and so will the death count.

After that, it's all speculation.

But let's say this virus comes back next flu season and it becomes more agressive and deathlier (this is a let's say...)

How does "immunity" plays a roll in all this?
If you had the flu now, will you have immuity to the 3rd wave, next flu season?
Or is it more likely that the virus has mutated that much that no one has the right antibodies for it?

Hypothetically speaking, isn't it better to get the flu now, while it's still 'mild' for most people and hope for antibodies and immunity for when it comes back ten times worse?

I'm not an expert, so I'd like to hear from people who actually know what they are talking about on this matter.


posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 12:01 AM
It seems that some of the genes on the RNA of the current H1N1 strain are the same as those in prior pandemics; thus, those who survived prior outbreaks might have a mild antibody response to this strain.

Catching it now, however, is not a good idea, as it can and most likely will, mutate- and when it does, we probably won't have antibody to the mutated strain, and will take ill.

If you've had flu this year, as I have had (and I think it was H1N1), we might have SOME antibody to the strain-even if it mutates. BUT- if a mutation occurs that is more "macro" in the RNA of the virus, our prior infections won't help us at all.

Confusing frustrating...

Best thing to do is to stay healthy and avoid the toxins!

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by CultureD

Thanks for that explenation

I almost never get flu. Every year, when someone around me gets the flu I end up with mild flu-like symptoms but always without fever and only two days max, it never makes me badly sick.
I have mild flu symptoms for the last two weeks that come and go :sore throat, musscles aching, coughing (although that can be from smoking), etc... no fever though.

I guess that if I never have real flu then I don't have antibodies either so I'm a bit scared of what this thing might do to me, if I catch it


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