posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 09:54 AM
Ok so I may be completely wrong here. But would this method work for filtering water? Let's say standing water with algae /green water , ort regular
lake river water?
So if u made a tripod out of sticks and made 3 levels. With the bottom level being a pan/pot to boil the water. And the middle level being
charcoal/black ash from a fire sitting in a cloth , a t-shirt rag or a plastic bag with a hole at the center bottom for water to drain and filter.
and the 3rd level being sand in the same way as level 2. (Maybe have 2 and 3 switched I'm not sure) than when you pour the contaminated water over
the sand ,the sand filters out all the heavy contaminant than the water drains threw the shirt/rag into layer 2 where the charcoal is than it repeats
the prosess draining into the bottom layer , the pot than when the pot is filled with filtered water you boil it to kill anything that wasn't
filtered out by the top 2evels will this work? I tried sayin ot as simple as possible. If not any tips/suggestions
[edit on 6-7-2009 by agent0range]