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Campaign Asks Congress to ‘Pledge to Read’ Bills Before Voting on Them

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posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 11:07 AM
Here is a little update for you. Today is the day that they released the names of those who signed the pledge. Very interesting. I quickly counted 65. No letters after their names either. Lets just hope that they understand what they read.

Senators and Members of Congress who have already signed our pledge:
Rep Michele Bachmann, MN - 06
Rep Brian Bilbray, CA - 50
Rep Gus Bilirakis, FL - 09
Rep Rob Bishop, UT - 01
Rep Marsha Blackburn, TN - 07
Rep Roy Blunt, MO - 07
Rep John Boehner, OH - 08
Rep Michael Burgess, TX - 26
Rep Dan Burton, IN - 05
Rep Dave Camp, MI - 04
Rep Eric Cantor, VA - 07
Rep John Carter, TX - 31
Rep Bill Cassidy, LA - 06
Rep Jason Chaffetz, UT - 03
Sen Tom Coburn, OK
Rep Mike Coffman, CO - 06
Rep Tom Cole, OK - 04
Rep Mike Conaway, TX - 11
Rep John Culberson, TX - 07
Sen James DeMint, SC
Rep Charlie Dent, PA - 15
Rep Jeff Flake, AZ - 06
Rep John Fleming, LA - 04
Rep Virginia Foxx, NC - 05
Scott Garrett, NJ - 05
Rep Jim Gerlach, PA - 06
Rep Phil Gingrey, GA - 11
Rep Louie Gohmert, TX - 01
Rep Kay Granger, TX - 12
Rep Sam Graves, MO - 06
Rep Ralph Hall, TX - 04
Rep Gregg Harper, MS - 03
Rep Wally Herger, CA - 02
Rep Duncan Hunter, CA - 52
Sen James Inhofe, OK
Rep Steve King, IA - 05
Rep John Kline, MN - 02
Rep Doug Lamborn, CO - 05
Rep Bob Latta, OH - 05
Rep Kenny Marchant, TX - 24
Rep Kevin McCarthy, CA - 22
Rep Cathy McMorris Rodgers, WA - 05
Rep John Mica, FL - 07
Rep Jerry Moran, KS - 01
Rep Pete Olson, TX - 22
Rep Ron Paul, TX - 14
Rep Mike Pence, IN - 06
Rep Joe Pitts, PA - 16
Rep Todd Platts, PA - 19
Rep Bill Posey, FL - 15
Rep Tom Price, GA - 06
Rep Adam Putnam, FL - 12
Rep Tom Rooney, FL - 16
Rep Paul Ryan, WI - 01
Rep Steve Scalise, LA - 01
Rep Pete Sessions, TX - 32
Rep John Shadegg, AZ - 03
Rep Lamar Smith, TX - 21
Rep Mark Souder, IN - 03
Rep Todd Tiahrt, KS - 04
Rep Patrick Tiberi, OH - 12
Rep Fred Upton, MI - 06 Rep
Zach Wamp, TN - 03
Rep Lynn Westmoreland, GA - 03
Rep Frank Wolf, VA - 10

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 04:53 PM
The count is now up to 72. Let's keep it rolling folks.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 07:32 AM
Congress has been passing legislation that is unpopular to the voters. This should not be possible. Our representatives know that they are responsible to us, the voters, and not to tptb. However tptb have a lot more going for them then us voters do. They have the entire might of the US military and homeland security behind them. Our congresspeople are frail human beings subject to intimidation against an iron giant.
March 13, 2008, an act of terrorism was perpetuated against the American people much worse than 911. The House of Representatives were summoned into a secret meeting in which the representatives were told that there would be an imminent economic collapse in Sept 2008, and an infrastructure breakdown mid 2009, in which starving masses would be so angry at the representatives voting records that they would be in danger of their lives, but not to worry, that homeland security had bunkers to hide them and their families in to keep them from danger. This was obviously a ploy to seperate our legislators from ourselves, to terrorize them into obedience. They were threatened by a picture of civil unrest, but the real threat, implied threat,underlying threat was that they could be lined up against a wall and shot if they did not toe the administration line and the threat was extended to their families. We are facing a government so powerful, so without scruples, and so destructive that it does not only intimidate our lawmakers into passing laws, forget the constitution, draconian laws without reading them, allowed tptb to loot the treasury to the tune of 7 trillion dollars and plan for the vaccination of the entire population with who knows what. Our legislators have been told to fear the American people, but with the underlying threat of horrible violence to themselves by the government. The assurance that there will be protection for them was rediculous. One rule in history that has held up pretty well has been that Nazis lie. (The ptb are Nazis, but that should probably be found in another thread.) The obvious intent was to scare them silly.
Another assurance given to our legislators apparently was that the homeland security was going to pre-emptively round up those Americans who were likely to be insurgents. Meaning who? They have been working hard on making surveilance of all of our conversations on the internet and telephones. Maybe enough truthers or Constitutionalists & veterans would be considered eligible, or people with bumperstickers. They have already allerted local police like in Missouri to watch out for these. Are these on the list to be preemptively rounded up? Looks like.
And then these rounded up people are going to Rx84 camps (the ones with gas chambers and barbed wire pointing in that have been built all over the country over the last couple of decades. (They have been planning this for quite some time.)
Also included was a reference to the merging of Canada, the US & Mexico and the new currency the Amero. They don't need to worry about Constitutional issues any more.
We the People of the United States of America have lost our press, we've lost the executive branch,(we voted in Obama and he turned out to be a cardboard cutout front for tptb) we've lost the judicial branch, did you notice that Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg practically declared herself to be a genocidal racist and Sotomayer is a self declared demon worshiper. Now we find since last March that we have lost our Legislative branch also. We the people have nothing holding us together but the internet.
Our law-making process requires debate, for public discussion, for an informed public and for a commitment to protect the individual from the goverment. We need more debate, we need more public involvement in what is happening in Congress.

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