posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 02:25 PM
This takes me back, a few years ago I went with my friend
Sukie (who I always call Ziggy) to help to buy a telescope.
Ziggy's father, before he ran off with a women further down
the road, used to own a 'SkyWatcher Semi-Pro' telescope that
he utilised in the evenings.
Ziggy and I often tried it to gaze at the stars, although everytime
we went to it, it was set at Mrs. Cobden's bedroom window across
the street!
SkyWatcher Pro is a good make but I prefer the simpler Mercury
607 refractor telescope, you just point and look! Wow... this is taking
me back!
Ziggy ended up selling it for something called a Capricorn 70 refractor
telescope and I often see her sticking it out of the window in the
balmy evenings.
I hope this helps?