posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 04:50 AM
First, let me say this, regardless of your personal faith, I ask that you at least consider this before completely dismissing the idea.
This does not hold the Adam and Eve story so much a Creation story, as a moral.
Basically, it seems to me, that the story fits very well as a analogue of daily temptation.
The snake tempts the woman, the woman temps the husband. When succumbing to temptation, the man blames the woman, the women blames the snake, not
taking responsibility for their mistakes.
This reminds me of much of the normal temptation we go through, in life.
We find, or are given temptation (cookie jar, wallet on a desk, or whether or not to eat the last jello snack in the fridge.)
We argue with ourselves, come up with reasons we should, and either we decide to give in or ignore it.
If we take it, and get caught, how many of us find something else to blame.
Heck, much of American mentality at the moment involves finding someone else to blame.
Dunno if it makes sense, don't think it's a particularly new thought.
Anyway, i'm headed to bed.