posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 12:52 PM
In recent times, a phenomenon known as "Indigo" has swept through Americas suburban adolescent culture. Namely white, rich spoiled kids.
Sometime in the late 20th through the early 21st century, the Indigo phenomenon became a popular Idea. Many say that they are a new breed of human.
Their DNA is changing and they are heralding in a new era of peace and love for planet earth. These children of light are the hope and salvation for
the mass corruption and destruction of our very way of life.
I for one, hold a different point of view. We have seen time and time again that accounts of mass hysteria can be induced when a large group of people
all share the same beliefs. Mass UFO sightings, religious encounters etc. And we can also look back throughout recorded history of man, that all these
special things that these children of light are supposedly capable of, are no more abnormal than a 9 month old child taking his first step.
Each generation has its own twists and viewpoints on the world. I remember when wicca and new age witchcraft was the "in" thing. Everyone was a
witch and was going to crush you with their magnificent magical powers.
The truth is, the world as we know it today is riddled with corruption, greed, power hungry politicians. A collapsing financial system. I think the
kids of todays America are aware of this more than we might think. Most of them have no clue how to cope with it. Kids today are accustomed to their
Xboxes, TV's, computers, ipods and phones. They are scared to death that their way of life is going to come to a grinding halt very soon. And how
does a child of adolescence deal with that prospect?
A little simple psychology is all it takes. If your world is being ripped apart before your eyes, you want to think it will be ok. So you create a new
world in your own mind in which you have full control over. A world in which you are "Royalty". You pick and choose whoh can be a part of your new
world. And in thinking you are better than anyone else now, because this world you created is better than the world in which you REALLY live, you
start becoming very arrogant. Egotistical.
The Indigo VS joe blow war will never happen in any case. Kids today are over medicated, neglected, self taught brats. Parents label their kids Indigo
so they do not have to discipline them. No child has special talents that no one else does. Any kid that says consciousness is evolution must have
been asleep for the first oh...i dont know...16 years of their 16 year old life. Consciousness is the REASON humans are the top of the food chain. No
"God" awareness or Pact with Arch Angels is going to awaken what is already there.
One day these kids will grow up and finally realize that all they had to do to make a difference was do the right thing. Put down their controllers
and NOT tell the teacher to F$# off. Doing the right thing and changing our planet into a peaceful place does not take special talents. It does not
require Indigo's, BEK's, crystal adults or Granite monkeys. It requires no labels at all.
I look forward to the day when children all over the world can be rest assured that they will have food to eat, clean water to drink. But I am not
holding my breath for the Youth of Americas most degenerate of Generations to come to the rescue. And I welcome a challenge by any "Indigo" to prove
what they really are. Give me DNA scans to prove your DNA has changed. Show me some of those spectacular abilities you are so gifted with.
Indigo: I am great, I am awesome, I am royal, bow to my light and greatness
Justin: I am great, I am awesome, I am a pitiful anonymous, bow to my individuality and "don't give a rats behindness"
Indigo: My aura is blue, yours is not. I am therefore special
Justin: My aura is comprised of electric fields and neurological residue just like yours. Therefore you are no different than me.
Edited for "profane circumvention"
[edit on 3-7-2009 by Mr. Toodles]
[edit on 3-7-2009 by Mr. Toodles]