posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 07:47 PM
This is perhaps the most important post on ATS at present. Your logic is right on OP. Our media has manipulated the left/right paradigm to such an
extent that the definition of conservative or liberal is not even correct anymore as it is all agenda based, not philosophical based. There was a
thread on ATS about a month ago about a third party. I don't think a third party is necessary, if that third party will be based around agenda's.
Here is what I would like to see. Federal Government return to a manageable entity that is concerned only with protecting those things outlined in the
constitution. Common defense, general welfare, and protecting life, liberties, and the pursuit of happiness. This can only occur if the right to
petition is reopened to the public. In other words if you disagree with a law as it detriments your life, liberty, or interferes with your pursuit of
happiness you may petition to challenge that law with either a body of citizens, or a court. The petition would be held to common law practices and if
it is found to have been detrimental to any of those things the law is undone. The other thing that you would have to do is change the economic system
currency and how it works.
There is no reason this country can not provide health care to everyone, make sure they are well fed, feel safe, and have shelter. Without those
things you cannot have life liberty or pursue happiness. I say this can be done with a rather small government, where no income taxes need to be
collected. I know it can be done. All this takes is for us all to come to an agreement that our government has lost touch with American needs. Get
government out of every facet of life, let private sectors flourish, and provide the basic necessities of life for those in our society that may not
be able to afford it. But here is the thing...ALL must be entitled to it with no strings attached.