posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 06:44 AM
Hi all,
Im Jam, have been visiting for a while and joied a few weeks ago.
I think this site is great, have read aload of stuff, I even got caught in the whole "france is about to disclose aliens" thing.
Why am I here? I believe the US government (amongst other countries) are a bunch of bull#ting liars, so 9/11, UFO's, underground bases even the
friggin Tittanic etc are all of interest to me.
I do believe in UFO's I have seen my share of them, although not for sometime sadley.
I believe in ghosts/spirits, again have had my own experiences.
I also believe that there used to be civilisations far advanced than us on this planet thousands of years ago... this is one of my fav topics :-)
I do believe something big is gonna happen in the next couple of years, however im not listening to any "date predictions" and im not sure if its
gonna be good or bad for us.
However I have an open mind, and love listening to both sides of the arguments and im looking forward to getting involved!