posted on May, 6 2004 @ 06:03 AM
I was driving this morning from my girl�s house about 2 AM on my motorbike half the way a spotted something Brigit in the sky, it could have been a
falling star, but I don�t think so, a have seen lost of falling start and that didn�t looked like one and it went more like side ways as for the
normal down words falling star and it went on for longer then a normal falling star.
Like I shed it could have been a falling star, it�s the firs time I sow something like it I will explain it was very Brigit and went on for about 1
min side ways, and it hadn�t had a tail behind it and gust suddenly disappeared,
I�m not a expert on this but is it possible for a falling star to go side ways, for me I don�t think so don�t make sense, are it alien don�t know
never sow something like it so wouldn�t know�
What do you think I will like to know�?