posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 09:26 PM
She claims that China is our best friend because they keep our prices at Walmart and mortgage prices low.
Yeah, some people love it when they get cheap crap from Walmart and such, but wen your kid is sitting there with lead poisoning would you feel the
same way? It may sound old fashioned, but having less wouldn't hurt most of us. Beyond the health issues, when you buy primarily foreign products
you are shooting yourself in the foot. One of the real primary reasons of the U.S.'s financial crisis is the ceasing of our production and the
increase in our consumption.
I always advocate buying locally and working outward. Whenever you can support your local farmers, manufacturers. What you can't buy locally buy in
your country. And whatever you can't find there buy internationally. I know it is easier said than done, but it is a good goal to shoot for. A lot
of coops will even tell you on your grocery receipt how much of your purchase was locally produced.
Like many of you said, we enable a lot of this crap by buying it. If we don't make a market for it, it doesn't sell. That's just economics.