posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 04:14 PM
This is very bad. Jon Stewart recently had someone on who said Iran can either go China's way or N Korea's way. I do NOT want an Iran like N Korea.
I want an open, economically powerful Iran.
Time and time again has shown that a stable Persian nation glues the whole of the region together. I don't know why, it just does on most
If Iran goes the way of N Korea, Iraq will take the place as the regional super power, as it slowly goes down the road of Japan and Germany after WW2,
becoming a powerful economy with good military strength.
It is best of both Iran and Iraq follows this path, because if they do not, then half a century from now when Iraq is a trading hub and a growing
powerhouse for the regional's stability, we run the risk of a very old decaying Iran. Many of the westernized Iranians well seek freedom and
education and liberty in Iraq, and this migration will drain the Iranian nation of it's proggressives in the civil discussion. As they leave, the
crazies will maintain majority control. Once stability is reached with no progressives left, they will seek to expand and spread their ways seeing the
world so much better around them as a reason for revenge.
It will be like Germany after WW1. It will see its neighbors with the grass on the greener side, and be spiteful. This will cause a rise in
nationalism with the right leader, and a woefully annoying world of pain to follow.