posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 04:33 AM
One really limits themself by holding the belief that Columbus actually discovered the Americas. Speculation abounds that some of the ancient civs may
have been much better with sea travel than is accepted. Of course with wood boats, theres no way to really know the size and scope - especially when
the invaders always destroyed books and culture of the civ.
Now, I think that alot can be said about some sort of "mysterious" connection, why did all these civs, seperated by time and distance, all do the
same thing?
Well, I find knowing what day and time it is can be extremely helpful. Thus, with all this spare time on their hands, I am sure mapping the stars and
there movement would have been an obsession for some.
The pyramids, although I do subscribe to some different "out there" theories pertaining to certain pyramids, unfortunately, it's easy to see that
in those times, they wanted to build high buildings. But what must have become obvious very quickly, was that pyramids was the only way for them to
keep getting higher up, and get the highest point on a building. Afterall, reinforced steel wasn't much of an option for skyscraper construction in
those times.