posted on May, 5 2004 @ 09:47 PM
Why do I ask this? Well, I've been thinking about our culture and its trends, and how they are influenced by the mass media and entertainment
industries, as well as the news industry.
For example, have any of you ever turned on the radio, and gotten sick because all you hear is crap? I'm talking mostly about the new songs coming
out. And I think to myself, "why do these songs become popular? They suck." WHO decides what all of US are going to "love?" It's not like the
songs that make it out on the radio do so because everyone loves them. No, they come out, and then they are considered "hot" by the media, and so
everyone loves them! You can apply this concept to other facets of the media and overall pop-culture.
What I'm trying to say is, is that it's not like there are all these options of songs and artists that are layed out in front of the public, and the
public then sees what's available, and then the best are picked and THOSE are the songs or shows or fashions or styles or what have you that make it
out and are popular. No, it seems we are TOLD what is good, without ever knowing many alternatives. Not that it's impossible to see what else is
out there, but most don't even bother looking around, they are just fine being told and spoon-fed what's hip and popular.
Now getting to my point about polling. Does this same concept apply to what the news tells us? For instance, with the upcoming election, the dems
have eventually filtered out all the candidates, and now Kerry is left. You hear about polls and what they tell us about who is the best and who's
the current frontrunner and such. And this is not just only about elections, but about many things. But just WHO are these people that are being
polled? We are told that these people are selected randomly from the populace from different demographical profiles so that they get a great
representation on what the public feels on any given issue. The thing is, I've never been asked or polled, and I know no one that has either, or
anyone that even KNOWS someone that has been polled.
My concern is this; connecting this polling concept with what I earlier mentioned about the media and entertainment industries........are we just
being told who would be great for the presidency, whether it be dem or rep? Sure, in everything I've mentioned, we can choose between this song or
that song, this artist or that artist, or this candidate or that candidate, but only to the extent of what we are TOLD is good. So what good are
options and choices, if the options we have are controlled in the first place????
I mean, how many of you out there really like Bush OR Kerry? Do either one of them seem like a good guy? Even if you do, do you think these are the
BEST America has to offer???? Seriously??? Or do we just go based on what polls and news tells us? Do we go on what they tell US what WE like?
Of course, these are only potential and apparent happenings that I see. So that's why I'm asking if any of you have participated in a poll. This
is one question that I can ask that can help shed light on whether these polls and what the U.S. people "like" are true, or if these polls are BS.
I mean, if no one is actually polled, it's not a big deal, because everyone will think that everyone ELSE was the one who was polled on who is a good
candidate or what have you. So please, help me out on this. I hope I've explained my thoughts well enough. I hope that they make sense to you and
you understand what I'm saying and what I'm trying to get at. I could be completely wrong on everything though.
So, chime in. Thanks.
[Edited on 5-5-2004 by SimpleTruth]
[Edited on 5-5-2004 by SimpleTruth]