posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 06:34 AM
It would be extremely interesting to see how each and every member at this site feels about the 2 members listed below. They both have multiple
friends and foes. One of the two has chosen the other as both a friend and a foe; why? The other member has elected not to publicly make a commitment
one way or the other. I have myself, as many of us have, been chosen as a friend and a foe, more the former than the latter. Would any participants in
this study choose both as friends or both as foes? If a couple of moderators would be gracious enough to keep this under control I'm certain that an
ATS civil war will not ensue...The 2 members are yahn goody and EX...check their member profiles then let them or all of us know what you think and
why. I will research their threads and posts more myself and offer up my own opinion later IF this thread goes anywhere. What might the results be
after a week or 2; polarized, left, right, undecided, disinterested...who's who here? Thanks in advance to both EX and yahn goodey for being the
subjects of this study, you Both have merit in my eyes, and I would hope that you both understand the potential value of a pole of this nature and
that you both will have no objection...Respectfully, mike
[edit on 1-7-2009 by plainmike]