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Claim that UA93 engine piece recovered from pond

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posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by ATH911

a) Correct. Have you seen any photos of the reported "heaviest" piece of debris found at the scene? They took photos of the two largest pieces reportedly found at the scene.

Nope, they haven't shown me any photos. But that doesn't bother me or the rest of the population.

Also, how did an engine fan escape from burrowing in the "soft" ground when most of the plane supposedly did?

Well, "most" = not all. "not all" may include the engine or engine pieces. You should read your own statements. How can you openly admit that not all the plane embedded in the ground and then ask why some of the plane was not embedded?

b) Yes. Are you disagreeing that there were trees in the way?!

Yes, there were trees - its the "in the way" part I disagree with. You should spend sometime in the woods. Its amazing, there is actually spaces between the tree trunks.

c) No. "C" would be that early news reports said an engine was found far from the crater before the pond was even searched.

So? Wow, talk about grasping at straws. That ain't even a straw. Do you ever wonder why, after all these years (almost a decade now) you're not getting anywhere with any of this? Do you really believe that you are so hyper-clever and that the rest of the human population is so dense that they can't see what you think are obvious discrepancies?

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