posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 12:48 AM
Of course he was murdered by the CIA! Don't you know that MJ was really an alien. Greys abducted the real MJ two decades ago. you know the black
MJ. They replaced him with a poorly made clone, a white MJ.
It was all part of their plot (Alien agenda) to take over planet earth through controlling the population. Almost worked too.
But, the CIA is too smart for these grey's, much too smart. Ever notice that you used to loose all sorts of socks in the laundry but not as much as
you used to. Well the aliens were stealing the socks and using them to fuel their anti matter generators. CIA and the elite Grey Fox unit took those
little creeps out. no more waking up in the middle of the night paralyzed as greys ransack your room looking for dirty socks (they work better in the
reactors). Some bad ass navy SEALs put 5.56 right in their grey little ear canals. Solved the problem and the world has less disappearing socks.
Called it operation Grey Sock.
This sudden hit on MJ (the real anti christ) by the CIA has caused a crisis in the grey high council as they try to figure out what to do next. And
they were so close.
Go CIA they are my heros. why do you think MJ was molesting all those little kids. He wasn't a sick demented pedifile. he was on a mission to get
genetic samples (if you catch my drift) from the young male population to further their fiendish plan to clone human replicants and insert them into
key positions in human society. But the CIA has shut these aliens down.
WHat you think I'm making this up. this expose of the CIA and MJ's secret life too much for you to handle. Is this story like MJ's last, you're not buying it?