posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 04:12 PM
Ok, so obviously the green circles are an agricultural deal, but what about the ones in 51 testing zones, and Skinwalker? Here are the coords to some
of the stuff I've found: Keep note of the imagery dates as you look at these.
Viewing Altitude- 21.35km coords: 36*23'07.62"N 117*54'09.74"W- This is Mountain WTF? Take a look at face of this mountain. There are several
curious things on this mountain, but there is a huge geometric shape on one side that is either carved in, or is a bay door. It is where RT 190 and
395 join up. This is not in 51 but a few miles from it, just odd stuff on this mountain.
Onto 51: 51 can be searched, the coords are ALT- 24.34km 37*16'16.76"N 115*48'52.46"W.
ALT- 16.18km 38*01'43.92"N 116*01'17.46"W Agro circles with an obvious photo edit.
ALT-416m 37*54'29.95'N 116*46'34.03"W Blacked out building with agro circles to the north west.
ALT-5.48km 37*50'35.30'N 116*43'47.75"W Big Ol something in the flat, facilities near by. Believe this is the Tonopah area.
Alt- 3.35km 37*44'38.05"N 116*39'27.53"W Obvious arial target at Tonopah range.
ALT-2.47km 37*42'29.60"N 116*27'01.16W Facilities with large pool areas. These are either full of really odd black and elecric blue liquid or are
blocked out.
ALT- 313m 37*35'42.45"N 116*54'05.71"W Artillery area. Take note of the white road grid layout here.... your gonna see it.... A LOT of it at
Skinwalker... along with the little black trailers or whatever they are scattered throughout the grids.
ALT- 608m 37*35'04.72"N 116*53'06.52"W Obvious target area ( blast spots peppered all over, note the curious horseshoe gauged parts.
ALT- 431m 37*36'06.68"N 116*41'40.97"W The Eye on the mountain facility. No idea what the facitity could be.
ALT- 1.90km 37*25'16.78"N 116*34'16.57W This is a good one... Mountain with a road going up it.... zoom in to 120m and you'll see what seem like
trailers sitting .... I can't tell if this is a flat mountain top, or perhaps this road goes into this mountain, as in it's kinda like the
Chy's(NORAD) in Colorado.
ALT- 1.06 km 36*37'08.79"N 115*56'46.08W.... No idea whats this huge thing is, looks like a helluva lot of plumbing.
ALT- 6.51km 36*39'42.24N 115*59'47.16"W 2 facilities
ALT- 9.40km 36*35'07.95N 115*40'31.83"W CREECH AFB there are testing zones to the N. Somewhere around here ( I think ) is a antenna that is very
tall and has a spiral shape, I'll find it again, but I failed to mark it before. To the right of Creech is a small mountain with a road leading to
the upper portion, the road stops at a shadowed area, could be an opening, could not be an opening.
ALT-1.08km North East of Creech AFB, large bombing target with a tank at the center, to the right of this tank is a huge octagon design. North of
these at ALT-3.87 36*40'19.91"N 115*29'22.89"W I found a cache of tanks. Zoom in to get a great view.
North of the tanks at ALT-18.57 36*47'37.98"N 115*26'17.93"W is an array of stuff from a MIG, large bombing target, hangars with what appears to
be a large vehicle and something else, to facilities.
Thats it for 51 for now, next post I'll do the Skinwalker coordinates. Sorry for using * in place of degree marks, hope these coords help, Im new at
GE and ATS.