posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:27 PM
Well I tried to look up what the dream ment and this is the best thing I found.
"GhostsA ghost may represent something that is gone but not forgotten, or something that is almost forgotten but that you simply cannot release.
Ghostsdream interpretationmeaning of dreamSome believe that the ghosts in their dreams are real representations of the dead. This is an unlikely
explanation of this dream. Ghost [82]To dream of the ghost of either one of your parents, denotes that you are exposed to danger, and you should be
careful in forming partnerships with strangers. GhostsSome believe that the ghosts in their dreams are real representations of the dead. This is an
unlikely explanation of this dream. More likely the ghost is representing a part of you that is unclear and that you do not understand. GhostThe
meaning of this dream varies depending on what happened. If the ghost simply appeared in your dream, it is an omen of general good luck; however, if
you were frightened by it or it spoke to you, ... GHOSTS: (C) Ghosts may represent memories, experiences or emotions from the past which haunt the
dreamer. It may represent attitudes or patterns of behavior which were once alive, but now are dead. GhostsDreaming of friendly ghosts is a lucky
omen, and that you should be receiving unexpected good luck. ghostSomeone you knew (or wish you'd known) in real life who is now deadSomething that
has changed or doesn't exist any longer, such as a former relationship or former job ... Ghost In general, ghosts symbolize aspects of yourself that
you fear. This may involve a painful memory, guilt, or some repressed thoughts. You may be afraid of death and dying. Ghost - a part of yourself that
is not understood; feelings about a deceased person that have not been fully exploredGiant - self-doubt growing out of proportion; making mountains
out of molehillsGiraffe - reaching out ... GHOST An old memory, an old fear, or the past, that haunts you or comes back to you. May represent a
guilt, fear of death, intuitive knowledge, dread of the unknown, or things you have done that you have tried to bury and forget. Ghost.Pheasant
Dreaming of pheasants, omens good fellowship among your friends. To eat one, signifies that the jealousy of your wife will cause you to forego
friendly intercourse with your friends. Secret. Ghost. Remnant. Part of your world needs to be illuminated.ShellCovering. Protection. Seeking freedom
from certain structures. To see the Holy Ghost descending on Christ, is significant of resignation to duty and abnegation of self. *Please see also
Ghost.PharaohTo see or dream that you are a pharaoh, indicates that you are acknowledging the authority within yourself. It may also signify your
connection with your spirituality and the divine. eye, eyelet, fairy godmother, familiar, familiar spirit, fellow, finger post, fist, forebear,
foregoer, forerun, forerunner, form, front runner, frontiersman, fugleman, gasket, genius, genius domus, genius loci, get ahead of, get before, ghost,
... Ghost If the ghost in your dream was walking, it's a sign that money worries will plague you. If the ghost is talking, you are trying to fool
yourself. Sometimes ghosts appear in our dreams to show how transparent our actions can be at times. Who is the ghost in your dream? Are its
intentions obvious or transparent . that is, can you see right through them? I get hijacked by a "Scooby Doobie" cartoon involving an impending
marriage, a ring, a Puritan ghost in the house, a black historian who is also Justice of the "Peace" and an Indian treasure hidden under the floor.
Three is best known as a religious symbol - the father, son and holy ghost. It often stands for power and authority, like the three parts of a
democratic government. Look where the trio is in your dream - is it part of your group, giving you power? Eagle: It represents the Holy Ghost. Eagle
(flying upward): Happy event. Eagle (plunging): Unfortunate event. Eagle, wounded: Ruin. Eagle, dead: Total ruin. Eggs, to see one's self carrying or
chickens hatching out: Internal birth. spirits or ghosts - Connections with another world. Fear: You need to address your fears about death or of the
unknown. Vivid images of family members contain messages for you. Spirit images of loved ones try to console those they left behind. See also: Dream,
May, Dreams, Present, Dictionary ".
Its more info than I needed but that's what I found. I think your s are better imo. Hopefully I'm a gatekeeper and not about to be a daddy lol we
shall see. I didn't even think about "ardent sentry" like that I just took it literally from what I read. If it happens again should I say come
forward when I wake up or in my dream(if I can.) Ill try both. And hopefully I won't be a chicken # and open my eyes. This was my closest encounter
with a ghost I ever had. Wether it was a dream or not