posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 02:04 AM
There's plenty to be paranoid bout even if you only follow the MSM.
Total financial collapse, impending environmental catastrophe, nuclear war, diseasew wipeouts, etc.
If there were online conspiracy sites 20 years ago you would be able to read archives full of End of the World scenarios scheduled for the imminent
I was reading the books, magazines, articles back the. The military alarmists were right about a major terrorist attack on America. All the other
stuff from the Nostradamus set, the New Agers, prophesiers, UFOlogists, has not come to pass.
It was 95% bunk back then, and I expect this generation's End of the World as We Know IT scenarios are as likely to ever happen.
Pity optimism and looking forward to the future aren't as popular as they once were. It made being young, broke, still learning, a positive
experience and fun.
Now self-pity, hopelessness, despair, are the main vibe.
Whole online communities become support groups for the paranoid.