Howdy yall... I have had my desires confirmed. The Forrest of my back yard is COVERED in blackberries...So I was wondering... What should I charge by
the pound?
I looked around online and I saw that some of the local blackberry producers have lost their fields due to late April frosts and other winter
storms....My guess is my forest took the brunt of the storms around here.
ANYWAYS.. SO I am thinking about selling blackberries by the pound? What should I charge?
5$ a pound? ..Think I could get 7$ a pound?
North Arkansas Southern MO area. Road side stand. What should I charge?
SOooooo, Does anyone else have any priceing suggestions or should I just go with Scoobys suggestion of 5$ a pound.... Remember if you live in the
Souther MO or northern AR area then This might affect you in a minimal way... Unless of course you buy some blackberries from me Roadside service
only no online sales.