posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 12:16 PM
First One:
Immediate Reaction:
seems like a comet or something streaking in an upwards movement. stars are also prevalent on a bright sunny day
Upon Closer Look:
looks like someone took it into photoshop and used the smudge tool to drag out a weird shaped cloud. picture looks merged with a night time photo. the
stars could be overlayed and set to screen for them to show up without hurting the light colors of the image. in fact, the whole thing looks to be a
series of stock photos put together. i think i have that cloud photo somewhere.
1st Conclusion: Fake
Second One:
Immediate Reaction: looks like some kind of storm from hell, with weird lights showing up and possible mechanical eye coming out of the sky.
Upon Closer Look:
lots of reflections. eye is obviously camera. string of lights looks like a reflection of a building, but could be something else as the angle in
which the photo is taken, doesn't make sense for that to be a building. could be anything though. top black piece is definitely a street lamp. bottom
lens flare is unique, but could be made by anything in the background of observer. with the street lamp being blacked out as it is, one would assume
the suns position is high and bright, thus creating all sorts of reflections under observer. possibly taken in a car through a sunroof. cloud color is
manipulated with hue adjustments.
2nd Conclusion: Possible fake with color adjustments, or just taken with reflections in window (sunroof? maybe back window in car?)
3rd one:
Immediate Reaction: same as 2nd minus the building reflection. bottom flare now turned up on side and higher in photo canvas.
Upon Closer Look: same response as with 2nd. this is just the same picture, but turned 90 degrees clockwise and cropped to make it smaller.
sorry no ufos, unless you got some photos you didnt manipulate?