posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:53 PM
Originally posted by NohupUFOs don't necessarily mean aliens. Why can't they mean time travelers? Time travel would be an even more
important and dangerous secret to keep than aliens, because of the chance of someone wildly screwing up the present and future timeline.
And if you will admit that UFOs might possibly mean time travelers, then you can't for sure say that they're aliens, or that aliens even exist. It
means neither has been proven. Which is the case.
This is an extremely intelligent post and shows a lot of insight.
OK anyone who doesn't believe in evolution, please don't read this post any further. Try to imagine what "Lucy" our Great great.....grandmother
from 2 million years ago looked like, and how much our appearance has changed as we have evolved in a mere 2 million years? What will we look like 2
million years in the future? I don't know, but I have a strong suspicion, we won't look like we look today. What if those grays are humans from the
future? I'm not saying they are but just agreeing with Hohup that it's just as much a possibility as aliens.
Furthermore, there might even be some science worth looking at in this respect. Faster than light travel violates the laws of physics as we know it.
So aliens would have to have some knowledge of physics we don't to accomplish this presuming they are not in our immediate stellar neighborhood. OK
that's possible, especially if they invented radio a million years ago and are a million years ahead of us on the learning curve.
But the interesting thing about time travel, is that it's not so clear that it violates the known laws of physics. In fact we know how to travel
forward in time already. Just leave the earth today, travel at nearly the speed of light so time slows to nearly zero for you, and then return to
earth, and boom, you are in the year 3009, you have just traveled 1000 years into the future. That's known science (except we have yet to develop
technology to travel at nearly the speed of light, but we already know it's theoretically possible). Traveling into the past may not be impossible
though it's not clear how you would do that. But given a million years, it's possible we might figure that out.
Thanks for posting such an insightful and thought-provoking comment!