posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by UFOTECH
What's the saying, curiosity killed the cat. There's nothing more curious than a human being, and I'm pretty sure that there are certain places and
realms which we are not meant to be probing into, not in this life anyway. The show must go on, so I could see how what you're saying could be valid,
that in certain circumstances, harsh and dire choices could be made on your behalf, and though of course your immortal soul will always find it's
way, not use bringing on unneccessary suffering just to satiate a litte idle curiousity, as a result of something you think of as more of a hobby and
something fun and cool, than a major spiritual pursuit of far reaching and profound implications for the souls progression. It's good advice I think
to warn caution.