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Warnings From The Benevolents!

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posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 02:47 AM
Forget it.

Started a new thread.

[edit on 6/23/2010 by Mr Poopra]

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 08:54 AM
There is a divine schedule that is being carried out and WILL be fulfilled, for it has already happened beyond the illusion of time. We can only awaken to what it is we came here to do in understanding what we really are and where we truly came from. When the Earth changes and other calamities accelerate, we will be 'stirred' to greater awakening of the true purpose of this mission--for mankind will be greatly humbled. The rich and the meek. Both kings and 'subjects'. However there will come a day when grace, humility and reverence for the Creator on the new Earth will allow divine love to prevail again in 'time', where there is no death, but only the eternal spiral of divine progression. There is only transition, the transference of energy and light. The only 'disaster' one should ultimately concern themselves with is neglecting who they really are in a state of corrupted negativity and seperation from the One.

The changes MUST take place. The Earth can never sustain and tolerate her continual abuses. The current systems and infrastructures must fall and make way via purification for they are disgusting abominations upon her. The transitions will be welcome to an ill world of long suffering peoples and creatures subconsciously screaming for change. A state we have all directly contributed to via the mass consciousness we have ALLOWED to be corrupted by the 'fallen ones' throughout millenia. The very same group that will present themselves in the skies as the chaos unfolds and 'appear' as our 'gods' and saviors. This is my truth, for I have been shown for my own preparation and for those that will take heed to this message.

The Earth has developed many tumours. She will regenerate and purge the 'toxicity' upon her. And indeed cancer has formed. There will be wars, there will be plagues, there will be famines. there will be increasing Earth changes all at once. The GREATEST purification however will come AFTER the Luciferian forces fully enact their New World Order (after the Wormwood events). They will achieve it briefly, and they will in turn be removed by the TRUE benevolents of Light when all 'debts' have been paid by mankind (Law of Consequence).

DO NOT be deceived by the UN sponsored Lucis Trust New Age movement. THEIR 'returning ascended masters' will only attempt enslavement via the microchip 'beast system' that many misguided souls will welcome in desperation of the times (order out of chaos).

Prepare wisely for the great spiritual challenges ahead. There will be many and indeed the wheat will be seperated from the tare throughout this 'end times' period. Make your choices wisely, and I hope this thread will help many realise which path is best chosen. And it certainly isn't the one of hate. Those aligned with the true Christ path of unconditional love will be graced through all these things. Peace Within.

I realise the above statements may seem a little 'out there' or outright crazy to some, however we live in interesting times and we will all witness many great 'wonders' above and below with the coming tribulations. You are currently being heavily conditioned for them by the fallen and their chosen 'elite'.

[edit on 23-6-2010 by benedict9]

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by stereologist

Can you tell us when the entrance of the GP was as you claim?

About 4 years ago I read a report discribing the condition of the entranceway to the Great Pyramid, when they first re-opened the passage back in the early 1900's or late 1800's. I tried to find that paper again, without being able to locate it.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by stereologist
reply to post by Unity_99

I see Unity 99. You admit you posted nonsense or whatever to support your failed agenda. I believe you. And I believe you when you couldn't appreciate the university lecture. Too bad. So are you off to report to us more chit chat from the homeless on what is to come. I'm sure you'll gain incredible incite through that process. Good luck. Don't let the bed bugs bite.

Unity, this is not even worthy. The venom and spite in these words can only be the mind of the predator speaking. I am able to identify this as I have seen this same predatorial mind, in action, in myself.

You spoke to me, in this thread and via u to u. I felt that person was not the same person as the one who is writing these last few posts. I felt some of the things you said to me were your predator speaking, not you. This sounds more like the Unity I know is in there.

What you have said in these last few posts, rings true in my beliefs. I can see how easily humans can be tricked, and the path to that knowledge lies in doing the work of understanding the predator within. Once you identify the predator in you, you can easily see this predator, in action, all around you daily.

We are in a service to self mode, put there by our internal predator. The only way to advance from this stuck state, is to identify your predator. A person needs to strive for a service to others way of thinking, without expecting any reward for them. Right at this moment in time, we and Earth are service to self. This is where we are stuck. This is also why many people want a service to others system, which never seems to come, thanks to this mind of the predator.

Benedict9- You seem to be stuck in scripture, with your thoughts about things. Be aware that The Bible is 70 - 80 % fact and written with an agenda for no good. Look at the situation in the middle east to see who the ruling God/s are there. There has been an awful lot of blood shed in that area, which is documented, in the past and they don't seem to have any intentions of changing any time soon.

All evil is us merely acting according to the mind we are given. When we think that evil is not right, that is merely our true selves trying to come out. People think it but nothing seems to change. People need to start doing and the best place to start is doing this is within "you".

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by win 52

Hi Win 52

Truth is most certainly allowed by the Benevolents. It is our birthright, even within this matrix of illusions that interdimensional negative forces here 'seemingly' have authority over-- Also allowed is the manipulation, exploitation and corruption of man allowed to alter/omit/suppress the sacred truths that were once in place here for their own selfish gain/control (when knowing right from wrong)-and given the free will to use and implement further tools of seperation/destruction provided by these entities to increasingly corrupt mankind via that seperatedness/selfishness/destruction path where we greatly find ourselves today. It happened to Atlantis and now we are on the same course of self-destruction. Law of Consequence has always applied, and we will all reap what we have sowed collectively over the incarnation cycle. Much karmic debt has been incurred and it is coming close to payday. We have embraced the many mechanisms of our folly. You can present the tools of warfare, you cannot 'force' man to use it, only manipulate him to self-harm, as the harm you inflict on others, you inflict on your own eternal soul. End times means end cycle throughout the continuous infinite 'spiral' of evolution.

One must trust their inner knowing/intuition/soul memory of what elements connected to the 3d matrix are exploited/corrupt and what is 'pure untainted divine' truth. We will only find it within and when our consciousness is 'ready' to receive. I have received personal confirmations, therefore 'I' recognise the truth in what I see around me playing out daily.

I have only ever read a very small percentage of the bible over the years--and for some reason, the only parts I seemed drawn/guided to were the ones relevant to my role now. i.e Genesis, flood account, sons of God, Christ love/service to others/forgiveness/compassion teachings, Revelations insights.

Can I ask which part of the agenda do you feel I may be 'stuck in'? If you further clarify I might be able to shed more light on why I posess such firm faith in the message.

[edit on 23-6-2010 by benedict9]

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by benedict9

Hi Benedict,

May I ask why you have no forum on your own site? I have read the content of your headings, but there's no space for discussion. How come?


posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by mclinking

Hi mclinking

My primary focus has always been in sharing the message and letting people embrace/reject/further seek shared insights on their own rather than discussing it. I never planned on devoting much time to this thread either, though in a way it's fair to say I have made myself 'at home' here.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by benedict9

Can I ask which part of the agenda do you feel I may be 'stuck in'?

I just thought I was reading from the King James Verson, when I read your earlier post.

I have read all and fairly thoroughly studied most of what is in the Bible.

It seems we tend to speak the language in the manner it is written in the King James Bible when proclaiming truthes we have accepted from the book, is all. Keeping it real means to live in the moment.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 02:53 PM
There are still some issues which bother me a lot.

First, it all lookes so similar to what John Titor did, a lot of talk and fague explanations without coming to the point. And to my opinion that guy was a hoax.

Second, I read most of the threads and it seems to me that most harm will be done in America (sorry guys). I live in Holland and with the seas rising it will not be safe here too i guess (bummer).

Thrid, a article I read today was talking about a meteorswarm which was to be expected in oktober 2011. Maybe ET-man is referring to this.

Maybe ET-man can comment on this.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by win 52

The passageway was opened up in around 820AD. So any flooding would have occurred between then and the 1800s. That's quite a flood since the base of the pyramid is some 40 meters or more above the Nile.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by DutchBigBoy
There are still some issues which bother me a lot.

First, it all lookes so similar to what John Titor did, a lot of talk and fague explanations without coming to the point. And to my opinion that guy was a hoax.

Second, I read most of the threads and it seems to me that most harm will be done in America (sorry guys). I live in Holland and with the seas rising it will not be safe here too i guess (bummer).

Thrid, a article I read today was talking about a meteorswarm which was to be expected in oktober 2011. Maybe ET-man is referring to this.

Maybe ET-man can comment on this.

Could you provide a link as to where you found that information out about a "meteorswarm" as that sounds interesting and would be a good read?


posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by DClairvoyant

This is correct and there is an ATS thread on this issue. I saw the article in the Dailty Telegraph (UK) of info posted by NASA.


posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by win 52

I certainly missed this quote. And wonder at the context. I have my own experiences and personal beliefs but if he is referring to the thread exploring all the evidence of what 2012 means, I also included the Lucifer Project and tptb, coding in all religions, words, languages, documents to saturn, and stand firm by my belief that whatever is coming is going to be done by them, have posting this for a long time. I have nothing against compiling and looking at all the evidence, because people need to be aware, and prepared for anything and everything. I BELIEVE its something they or the negatives over their head are planning.

All things are like mini disclosures, even the games people play. Worldofwarcraft has many things coded into it, it would take too long to bring up, but the languages are interesting and what the quest providers say. My son told me they are revamping the game and coming out with a big patch sometime by the years end. What will be amongst the changes are: thousand needles and various areas will be permanently flooded. Tauren Mill human town will be closed as it will be pelted by many tidal waves, the Barrens will have molten lava, as I take it volcanic activity will occur.

Ultimately the story line goes something like the hidden ruler, the top old empire reptilian powerful bad guy is going to tip their world over.

Now, I wonder what this is all about. Its also pretty evident that Blizzard is mystery school, and well informed.

The premise that someone is doing it, is something I believe in.

The power people truly have to love each other, hold light over all there is, and work for freedom and equality is also something I strongly believe in.

Edit to add: Also its odd that posts change in order afterwards, because he hadn't posted a response to me and there were posts past the one about starting a a thread at the top of the page by Mr Poopra. Its as if some posts are inserted later, I've noticed that on other threads too. I also noticed he didn't answer my questions about what he really feels. Instead it was just a strange attack.

[edit on 24-6-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by stereologist
reply to post by Unity_99

I see Unity 99. You admit you posted nonsense or whatever to support your failed agenda. I believe you. And I believe you when you couldn't appreciate the university lecture. Too bad. So are you off to report to us more chit chat from the homeless on what is to come. I'm sure you'll gain incredible incite through that process. Good luck. Don't let the bed bugs bite.

Never mind I found it! I don't post nonsense, but your posts are the same negative agenda over and over again.

Strange how this post wasn't there after others were written including on the current page yesterday!

Even more puzzling is the content of this post.

[edit on 24-6-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 09:12 AM
For those who may be interested, here is the link to the article that was already mentioned by another poster about NASA's October 2011 meteor-swarm:


posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

It is a bit confusing when I wrote incite instead of insight.

My posts are not negative. They simply shine a positive light on the truth of the matter. If the truth is that pole shifts, and incoming planets are provable fallacies, then so be it. It is the truth that is positive. It is fallacies that are negative.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by win 52

My son told me they are revamping the game and coming out with a big patch sometime by the years end. What will be amongst the changes are: thousand needles and various areas will be permanently flooded. Tauren Mill human town will be closed as it will be pelted by many tidal waves, the Barrens will have molten lava, as I take it volcanic activity will occur.

Ultimately the story line goes something like the hidden ruler, the top old empire reptilian powerful bad guy is going to tip their world over.

Now, I wonder what this is all about. Its also pretty evident that Blizzard is mystery school, and well informed.

The premise that someone is doing it, is something I believe in.

The power people truly have to love each other, hold light over all there is, and work for freedom and equality is also something I strongly believe in.

[edit on 24-6-2010 by Unity_99]

Ya, a lot of people want doomsday scenario's to happen.
Economic slavery is just such a drab lifestyle.

Work till you're exhausted to the point of apathy,
go home, not have enough energy for family,
watch mind control sources,
sleep and start again.

Though many are mind-controlled into accepting it,
as they see all their peers doing likewise.

tptb are aware that destroying the economy,
is one of the fundamental steps,
to allowing people to live
freer happier lives.

There are alternative lifestyles,
like living self-sustainingly on a plot of land.

Though most people put such thoughts off till retirement,
"oh ya, when I retire I'll get a farm somewhere".
But then the're too weak old and tired,
from all that slave labour,
and with little to no experience
in managing self time.
so it goes by the wayside.

Many people don't even realize,
how much more happy their lives can be,
if they lived in tribal communities,
in communion with their land.

A cataclysmic event,
such as a pole shift,
could move a lot more people,
to self-sustaining life styles.

We can all be much happier.

[edit on 24-6-2010 by lowki]

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by stereologist
reply to post by Unity_99

It is a bit confusing when I wrote incite instead of insight.

My posts are not negative. They simply shine a positive light on the truth of the matter. If the truth is that pole shifts, and incoming planets are provable fallacies, then so be it. It is the truth that is positive. It is fallacies that are negative.

The point is that many are very aware things are coming, not just from doomsday sites, but due to personal dreams. When you research, there is an overwhelming amount of doomsday here, and no one should remain in the dark about possiibilities or who is running this world and what they have already done, and what they could be about to do. We live precariously, without backup systems and self sufficiency.

The heart of this thread goes beyond the message of preparing, and stocking up on food for a possible disaster, which in itself is a very worthy message, but ET_MAN shares his experiences as well, and spiritual knowledge. His intention is not to create fear, but awareness AND for people to set their lives in order, to progress, to love each other, and yearn for a better world, thats the first step. This thread connected me to my Higher Self, especially a video he showed me. I had been on a huge search for 2 years, and was driven daily by these inner pushes, now that pushing is gone, for the first time.
Self sufficiency in land, resources, food and power supplies is needed all over the world, its what makes people mature and strong.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by lowki

For the most part I am in agreement with you, though I see it as a developing of our consciousness, and psi abilities/telepathy, for some maybe remembering who they are, but teaching this to children from early ages, remote viewing/psi, meditation, as a part of life skills, and a more larger connection. We need unity and to help others get through this testing grounds here, and grow a better world, globally, not just in tribes. But....independent living, cooperation and ensuring all are equal, and provided for, that we can weather storms is very important. Equally important is taking back the resources and self appointed "ownership" of everything by the few. It would not be a good world to have them appointing all resources to themselves and everyone cut off from cooperation and collectivity living like serfs of old, growing substandard food, and losing everything that we together can always create, things like HEALTH CARE, Social Services and Social Justice and all the powerful things cooperation can do. TPTB hate that with all their hearts and I will not allow eco villages to be a tool they use to turn people into serfs and disempower them even more.

EVERYTHING has a political agenda, so everything needs to be done by US, grassroots. Wisdom looks up from the bottom of the well.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by stereologist

The article was about the finding and opening of the entrance, and yes it is a long way up from sea levels. That is why it has stuck in my memory. The writers could not understand why there was so much debris all twisted together, blocking the entrance.

in here somewhere

I was reading through, but have not found the one yet.

[edit on 24-6-2010 by win 52]

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