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Warnings From The Benevolents!

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posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 01:47 AM
Explain more about how you control the ship because I was told I could also do this as a child,by a real military space faring human in a blue jumpsuit style uniform.The entire ship,as a child.No problem,I was also taken to the moon where I was encouraged to practise playing with `toys`that were really a series of shapes or symbols that when manipulated into the correct form like a rubics cube kind of idea would do cool things like levitate,but only when you got the sequence or the fit right.We didnt use our hands to play with the toys.

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by Cogito, Ergo Sum

Hi again Cogito, Ergo Sum

In many ways it could be argued that many organizations aside from religious groups/sects can be defined as cult-like including militaries, police forces, even govt parties etc.-as they too harbour ideologies/beliefs of following the group to establish a common cause/endeavouring to specific goals- in which individuals need to 'conform' to those ideals to fit in/get paid/be accepted/promoted. I am not much of a conformist to be honest, which is why I would rather face prison than ever join a controlling 'yes sir' military force, that would contract me to murder/harm those I consider family (humanity).

I can only state that what I have chosen to do (in a highly similar vein as ET_MAN) has been decided freely as an individual for zero material gain or intentions to control and harm others. I only wanted to share a message I intuitively felt needed to be shared with knowlege given to me.

If a potentially deadly storm was coming, would you not appreciate notice of it and precautions you need to take to ready yourself and others? Would you be angry/upset with those who didn't grant you such an opportunity? Believe me I am a 'regular Joe' and I often ask why these things were given to me (though I knew from a child BIG world changing things were happening in my lifetime and I would be part of it-strange I know). I discovered though that there are many others out there aware of the coming changes. Most keep their mouth shut in the public arena. And I understand why.

I do not doubt there will be negative individuals taking advantage of situations/fear in others as changes become more apparent. However this thread and my site aim to self-empower with knowledge, information your governments will not reveal directly. And to outline spiritual knowlege that 'religions' with their rules and divisive doctrines were never designed to impart. Much of what has been revealed is usually only known to such 'elitist' secret societies that I do not respect for deeming that the majority are not 'worthy' of such knowledge. Such groups that have an 'us vs them' mentality and consider themselves 'special' in divisive ideals stink in my opinion

Cults only serve to essentially disempower with their conformity methods. And it's a shame if you feel others are being disempowered by the warnings and messages shared here in good faith. ET_MAN has tried many times to clarify his intentions. If perceptions of both him and I remain the same, so be it. That is the free will of the individual. And I have no right to judge you or others for your thinking.

I do respect your right of opinion all the same and thanks for getting your differing views across in such a respectful manner. Whether you perceive it is 'new age' for me to express this, I will always provide the message that we are all equal, we are all divine light, and we are all capable of accepting and loving one another in spite of our differences because we ARE family and will face challenges together as One. Peace and respect.

P.S-Please be aware that ET_MAN does not speak on behalf of ET's, he is raising awareness of his own volition.

[edit on 1-6-2010 by benedict9]

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 02:15 AM
k ill prove this is a hoax everyone
time travel is impossible
il exlain
you go back in time to to do something, but then that means you already did it so theres no reason to go back in time, but then you need to go back in time to do that thing, but you already did that, so you dont but you did, but you didnt, but you did, but you didnt, forever paradox

also this ATS can anyone honestly take anything seriously here

if et man really was a future man he wouldnt be wasting his time on ats
de de der!!

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 02:49 AM
That's good information pepesilvia. There are many indicators of cults of different types and teachings. There are many who have come to realize they have been in a cult, or simply had their lives and world view dictated by what is essentially cult teachings. Not a nice feeling, effects can last for a long time after breaking free. Strange that those who feel the most immune from these things are often the most affected, often members or proponents of various beliefs...Some have been so conditioned and had their world view changed so much they never really leave, in a psychological sense. Or truly get past the teachings they have accepted.

There is a lot of stigma around this subject, sadly. Some myths are that those who perpetuate these things are always intentionally lying, always out for money or evil and should be demonized. While this could happen, from what I have seen, these people are usually quite genuine in their beliefs. The same as those who come under their spell. Often very nice, well intentioned, intelligent people. Though in the more well known instances, leaders become corrupt to the point of insanity, there are countless less well known that don't seem to. Even then no one chooses to become insane on purpose.

Though back to the point as I am sure no one is classifyng the OP as anything like this. Though it is still good to be wary of information presented in certain ways. To think carefully before swallowing the cool-aid.

Benedict09, thank you for that. Also for the manner you presented it. Seems a very understanding and intelligent response, very nicely worded. Though I don't agree with everything presented here, or perhaps even much of it, my perspective is hopefully not to be seen as a personal attack on anyone. That would be rediculous. It is meant more, hopefully, as another perspective on what is presented and the way it is done. One that I feel could be relevant and possibly worth considering. Thanks.

[edit on 1-6-2010 by Cogito, Ergo Sum]

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by Cogito, Ergo Sum

I have to thank you for jarring my memory about something. I went back and reread the first 30 pages of this just to refresh my memory of what was stated back then. What I found was interesting. The date of Oct. 11th 2011. It reminded me of what happens to anyone who steps forward to give a specific date for something to occur, as in a prediction. It also reminded me of what happened to Blossom Goodchild and her Oct. 14th 2008 UFO over Alabama prediction. As I told the OP of that topic, when someone steps forward and predicts something like this, and gives a specific date, they are doing nothing but setting themselves up as a messianic figure, and this can lead to trouble. All it takes, is for someone who may be a religious fanatic to read this and go off the deep end. They may see that person as being evil, sent by Satan himself to destroy mankind, so the fanatic goes gunning for that person, in hopes of saving mankind.

I call it, messianic syndrome, there may be another name for it, I`m not sure, but yes, it does happen. And many state that they do it all with the best of intentions, sure, that is true, sometimes even wars are started with the best of intentions.

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by Cogito, Ergo Sum

I believe we have achieved the most pleasant disagreement in ATS history. Cheers to us.

Follow your heart and do what feels right for you- but always do so in the spirit of love.

You've got the right attitude in my opinion
Good luck on your path.

[edit on 1-6-2010 by benedict9]

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 05:34 AM
reply to post by FiatLux

…when someone steps forward and predicts something like this, and gives a specific date, they are doing nothing but setting themselves up as a messianic figure, and this can lead to trouble.

It can lead to trouble in many forms, but it does not always lead to derision and lack of belief in the “messiah” figure when prophecies don’t happen.

When Prophecy Fails is a 1956 classic book in social psychology by Leon Festinger, Henry Riecken, and Stanley Schachter about a UFO cult that believes the end of the world is at hand.

This book studies a 1950’s UFO cult and its leader, “Marian Keech” (a pseudonym). Keech channeled a message from the planet “Clarion” that foretold of a world-wide disaster. This is how the “last day” panned out:

Prior to December 20. The group shuns publicity. Interviews are given only grudgingly. Access to Keech's house is only provided to those who can convince the group that they are true believers. The group evolves a belief system—provided by the automatic writing from the planet Clarion—to explain the details of the cataclysm, the reason for its occurrence, and the manner in which the group would be saved from the disaster.

December 20. The group expects a visitor from outer space to call upon them at midnight and to escort them to a waiting spacecraft. As instructed, the group goes to great lengths to remove all metallic items from their persons. As midnight approaches, zippers, bra straps, and other objects are discarded. The group waits.

12:05 A.M., December 21. No visitor. Someone in the group notices that another clock in the room shows 11:55. The group agrees that it is not yet midnight.

12:10 A.M. The second clock strikes midnight. Still no visitor. The group sits in stunned silence. The cataclysm itself is no more than seven hours away.

4:00 A.M. The group has been sitting in stunned silence. A few attempts at finding explanations have failed. Keech begins to cry.

4:45 A.M. Another message by automatic writing is sent to Keech. It states, in effect, that the God of Earth has decided to spare the planet from destruction. The cataclysm has been called off: "The little group, sitting all night long, had spread so much light that God had saved the world from destruction."

Afternoon, December 21. Newspapers are called; interviews are sought. In a reversal of its previous distaste for publicity, the group begins an urgent campaign to spread its message to as broad an audience as possible.

This case was studied as the authors of the book because they considered that the fall-out from Keech’s prophetic failure would cause cognitive dissonance – the uncomfortable feeling of holding two opposite opinions – amongst the cult.

What happened was that Keech’s reputation survived by her manipulation of a blatant failure into a roaring (in her mind), but still unverifiable, success.

As Festinger said:

"If more and more people can be persuaded that the system of belief is correct, then clearly it must after all be correct."

So, ET_MAN cannot lose either way by posting his predictions here; we get fried and boiled on October the 11th next year, or we don’t, and he will have an extremely persuasive excuse – as far as those who have taken his teachings on board - as to why.

And indeed, it is a distinct possibility that the “believers” here will find a new strength in a prophecy, and its messenger, even after it has failed:

A belief must be held with deep conviction and it must have some relevance to action, that is, to what the believer does or how he behaves.
The person holding the belief must have committed himself to it; that is, for the sake of his belief, he must have taken some important action that is difficult to undo. In general, the more important such actions are, and the more difficult they are to undo, the greater is the individual's commitment to the belief.

The belief must be sufficiently specific and sufficiently concerned with the real world so that events may unequivocally refute the belief.
Such undeniable disconfirmatory evidence must occur and must be recognized by the individual holding the belief.

The individual believer must have social support. It is unlikely that one isolated believer could withstand the kind of disconfirming evidence that has been specified. If, however, the believer is a member of a group of convinced persons who can support one another, the belief may be maintained and the believers may attempt to proselyte or persuade nonmembers that the belief is correct.

All it takes, is for someone who may be a religious fanatic to read this and go off the deep end.

This is a, hopefully, somewhat improbable possibility – but one that does have a precedent in reality, and is a point that I have raised twice now with ET_MAN.

His answers were naïve, and, disturbingly, dismissive. Here’s one:

Are such people aware of the inevitability of their own _____ and should such people if they are that sensitive to what they read and hear be listening to the world news, reading the paper and viewing other graphic material going on in the world when it comes to War, Starvation, Abuse and so on?

I don’t believe ET_MAN is in anyway promoting this message of doom/love for malicious reasons, indeed I think he has a good heart, but I do question the veracity of someone who has created their own dogma and philosophy and who then decides to promote it as fact and support it with alien-inspired authority, without considering all of the possible consequences that that might entail.

It doesn’t matter that he says we don’t have to listen, the fact is many will.

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by ET_MAN
reply to post by Maiden PEI

Hi Maiden PEI,

Just sent you a U2U

Get back to the remaining questions within a 24hr period.

Best Wishes!

Thanx! ET_MAN

I had a couple of questions for you but forgot them...will post when they come back to me.

PS: thanx for all the work you've put into this thread...I'm still back on p.133 but I have gotten A LOT out of it.

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by Cogito, Ergo Sum
That's good information pepesilvia. There are many indicators of cults of different types and teachings. There are many who have come to realize they have been in a cult, or simply had their lives and world view dictated by what is essentially cult teachings. Not a nice feeling, effects can last for a long time after breaking free. Strange that those who feel the most immune from these things are often the most affected, often members or proponents of various beliefs...Some have been so conditioned and had their world view changed so much they never really leave, in a psychological sense. Or truly get past the teachings they have accepted.

There is a lot of stigma around this subject, sadly. Some myths are that those who perpetuate these things are always intentionally lying, always out for money or evil and should be demonized. While this could happen, from what I have seen, these people are usually quite genuine in their beliefs. The same as those who come under their spell. Often very nice, well intentioned, intelligent people. Though in the more well known instances, leaders become corrupt to the point of insanity, there are countless less well known that don't seem to. Even then no one chooses to become insane on purpose.

Though back to the point as I am sure no one is classifyng the OP as anything like this. Though it is still good to be wary of information presented in certain ways. To think carefully before swallowing the cool-aid.

Benedict09, thank you for that. Also for the manner you presented it. Seems a very understanding and intelligent response, very nicely worded. Though I don't agree with everything presented here, or perhaps even much of it, my perspective is hopefully not to be seen as a personal attack on anyone. That would be rediculous. It is meant more, hopefully, as another perspective on what is presented and the way it is done. One that I feel could be relevant and possibly worth considering. Thanks.

[edit on 1-6-2010 by Cogito, Ergo Sum]

Well said. People can believe and do anything they want to do. ET Man can say what he wants, and they can follow.

However, please use your gut and your discernment reading his comments. This thread is meant to pull you in.

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by Beamish

quote - It doesn’t matter that he says we don’t have to listen, the fact is many will. - end quote

Each is responsible for what each believes. The herd shouldn't be present on this forum, too dangerous. You can't blame Et Man for dumbos being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Not to say this stuff isn't frightening stuff. It's a pity the thread has become less material : if it had stayed that way, i.e. discussing physical facts and theories - it would have been safer. Of course some got frightened, expressed their fear and asked for 'advice'.
I mean, who is competent? And we get a mixed thread.


posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 12:01 PM
Hi ET-Man

You are a bit selective in answering questions that has been adressed to you. Mine was a very short question and all you needed to say was yay or nay.

You did however stated that you are here to warn us, so if you don't mind answering my question i would really appreciate it.
Like we say in my lanquage " Kry jou gat in rat "


posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 12:22 PM
Hello everyone, my apologies for the delay in getting back to this thread.

The same speculations/assumptions that some have made against me could be said about virtually any belief system or religion out there including your own.

A cult could be organized based on any belief out there.

Take your pick!

Since some have decided to only focus on ME instead of the material being presented - I would like to make this clear.

I am NOT after money.
I am NOT after followers.
(If you want to take some information from this thread -great- but take the information in the same way you would when reading a website or book, it's as simple as that.)
I am NOT after taking advantage of anyone, deceiving or manipulating anyone.
I am NOT after points, praise, popularity, attention, wealth and other things of this world.
I am NOT more special or better than anyone.

I've made it clear many times in this thread that there's no such thing as greater or more special from an infinite/eternal perspective. Such words are merely used by humans on Earth to compare one-1 person to another one-1 person---which are only ONE-1---11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 With equal opportunity ONE-1 from the infinite/eternal perspective.

Benedict9 wrote:

Initially I wasn't going to create my site. I understood that many are not aware and would be skeptical of the greater knowledge of the Earth change events to come.

Similarly to Benedict9 when referring to this particular thread, initially I wasn't going to start this thread and those who've been following the thread already know that I've left many times. Due to the many emails I was receiving and requests for more information, that is what brought me back to this thread.

Furthermore, individuals need to realise they must ALWAYS take responsibility for their own actions,

This is an important one-1. People need to take full responsibility for their own (lives) thoughts/choices/actions (intent) and so on.

knowing right from wrong behaviour towards others.

People should understand that Good is not Evil and Evil is not Good both being oppositions one-1 to another.

Believe it or not many believe that Evil is Good and Good is Evil.
Some believe that Murder, War and Rape is Love.
Be wise in what you choose!

Spiritual awareness/growth, only raises frequency and that is the main aim and positive intention here as you know.

Spiritual 'awareness' is the main aim along with overcoming the fear of the inevitability that eventually comes for all. Coming to a realization that all things are eternal and have always existed and will always exist. When someone-1 comes to that realization for themselves they can find peace knowing that regardless of what the future may possibly bring they will move on to better places if they are living their lives in a good way.

When we refer to good we refer to how they are treating others and that energy they are putting out to others. The real judge of a persons life is the person making the choices, what they put out to others they will only receive back according to the law of consequence to action/attraction. What they do unto others they have only done unto themselves from the infinite/eternal perspective.

Our free will choices are our own and they will be recorded and judged as our own.

Every thought, action or hair on one-1's head, everything that ever happens in someone-1's life is continuously being recorded.

Beamish wrote:

It doesn’t matter that he says we don’t have to listen, the fact is many will.

I don’t agree with religion, but I have a belief.

You don't agree with religions of the world and you don't believe anything in this thread even though you've only read the first so many pages of the thread.

As of today, May 20th 2010, the human population of the world is estimated by the United States Census Bureau to be 6,822,000,000 roughly 6.9 BILLION!

There are Billions of people out there believing in things that you don't believe in.

I'm sure you can find thousands of websites out there that are actually full blown websites that go against what you believe in. I'm sure there are at the very least hundreds of other ATS threads and posters on this site alone that go against what you believe in.

It should be clear now that I am not here to discuss your knowledge, but would rather explore just why you are doing what you are doing.

You've made that clear that you are not here to discuss the contents of this thread but rather question me as a person. I've answered your questions even though many of the questions you've asked have been addressed many times before in this thread.

Blujay wrote:

This thread is meant to pull you in.

That is your own opinion and everyone-1 is entitled to their own opinion. Blujay has brought up her ego issues seen throughout this thread among others but evidently she is still working on them because she finds time to send me negative U2U's making false accusations/assumptions/judgments against me. It reveals a lot about yourself Blujay.

You've had a really hard time with this thread and I see that it has affected you greatly insomuch that you feel compelled to send me negative comments, U2U's and so on.

Blujay I can only say that I send you Positivity and LOVE.

I sincerely hope you, your family/daughter are doing well.

I would also hope that you among others will take the time to discern and really question the Law of One.

The Law of One, Book I, Session 1
January 15, 1981

On January 15, 1981, our research group began receiving a communication
from the social memory complex, Ra. From this communication
precipitated the Law of One and some of the distortions of the Law of One.

RA: I am Ra. The identity of the vibration Ra is our identity.

RA: “In truth there is no right or wrong.”

The Law of One material from my perspective Blujay is meant to pull you in putting a twist on truths and mixing them with lies and deceptions. I ask people who read it to use their own discernment.

There is much truth mixed into the Law of One material that will naturally resonate with people but when it comes to the basic fundamental principles such as there is no right or wrong or Evil is Good and Good Is Evil it is a plain lie and deception.

You are being deceived in believing that Murder, War, Torture and Rape are Good things and done out of Love. You are being deceived in believing that you are the murderers in the world and that they are you. That is a lie, the intentions to murder someone comes from hate, jealousy rage, anger and so on – NOT from LOVE.

So yes use your own discernment when reading ALL material and that includes this thread.

Regardless of what a person believes, it's the intentions of the HEART that counts and the thoughts/actions/reactions of a person that counts.

Unity99 wrote:

ET_MAN has everyone's best intentions in mind, being aware and preparing for earth changes or disasters (even marital law kind) is a very good thing, and humanity has been prevented from being self sufficient and made into fragile dependents, who cannot survive even a long term power outage.

This thread is like David Icke's interview by Project Camelot, where he said in response to those who think he should not be speaking of anything negative.

(paraphrased) "If a tornado is coming and your head is buried in the sand, then you're going to get spanked really hard. You first need to lift your head out of the sand, look to see whats coming, and make good choices"

Beamish Wrote:

I don’t believe ET_MAN is in anyway promoting this message of doom/love for malicious reasons,

You are correct on that Beamish, I also want to apologize to everyone-1 here for this thread coming off as fearful as it did, that was my mistake from the beginning and I can admit that. I did not intend for this thread to come off as fearful as it did, I should have been much more careful in words and responded differently than I did.

For those who take “TIME” to read the entire thread they will discover for themselves the real message of this thread which is not about fear but about overcoming fear, coming to a realization that all things are eternal and have always existed and will always exist. What counts is how you live your life today in the present, your intent, thoughts, actions and reactions are what truly count - so live each day of your life to the best of your ability in the best way you know and have no fear.

indeed I think he has a good heart,

I'm glad that you see that Beamish.

Those who've followed this thread might say that I've been extremely patient and tolerant with posters asking me questions most of which have been repeat questions answered many times in the thread and were now at page 187. I've now come to the point where I'm going to drop some rules and guidelines.

General rules and guidelines!

1- I will decide what questions to answer. If your question is not answered, it is because I have chosen not to answer the question or because I'm not permitted to answer the question. If your question is lacking in courtesy, decency and/or respect I have the right to not answer your question.

2- I have a limited amount of time being engaged in other things. I will not waste my time on inappropriate, discourteous, insensible or disrespectful questions.

When it comes to ET information and experiences, I've intentionally avoided certain information/topics/material and with good reason.

The very word ET is usually greatly misunderstood/misinterpreted by many as they affiliate the word with little green men or grey aliens.
(Not the case at all where there is no all)

Angelic visitations are ET in origin, some call them Light beings, some call them (Angels).

Deceased family members visiting Earth from elsewhere can be ET in origin.

(ET) Extraterrestrial.

Understanding the word extraterrestrial so it’s better understood, Extraterrestrial means something ‘Not of this world’ according to dictionary definition:

Originating, existing, occurring, outside the earth or it’s atmosphere, extraterrestrial life.

Existing, taking place, or coming from outside the limits of the earth.

Originating, located, or occurring outside Earth or its atmosphere: intelligent extraterrestrial life. An extraterrestrial being or life form.

In other words ‘All things’ ‘Not of this World.’
‘Infinite’ within ‘Infinite' Space/Times/Dimensions/Planets/Galaxies/Realms/Channels/Stations and ‘Endless Others.’

So there are infinite ET’s out there “Alien to Earth” - God/Gods/Creators/Designers/Teachers/Watchers/Entities/Beings/Angels/Demons (Whatever you choose to label/call them) are technically Extraterrestrial according to human definition and “Alien” to planet Earth. If one believes in a “Heaven” where do they believe that “Heaven” resides/exists?
Of course it must exist somewhere outside of Earth being "Alien" to Earth in another place/dimension/universe/existence/channel/station (call it what you will) and it’s “Extraterrestrial” to planet Earth.

Make that connection - Demons/Angels, Alien/Aliens, ET’s, GOD/GODS and so on that are “ALL” (technically) Extraterrestrial or Alien in origin - “Not Of This World.” Such entities/beings have merely been misunderstood/misinterpreted, labeled, defined by man according to their current level of intelligence/understanding/perception/knowledge/consciousness and so on.

I want to make this clear to everyone-1 asking questions, I have zero obligations to anyone in this thread, I've shared information of my own freewill/choice. I've released information according to the thread and the questions being asked me period period period.

I Send Everyone-1
Love & Peace!

Best Wishes!

[edit on 1-6-2010 by ET_MAN]

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 01:57 PM

If i didn't believe you, i wouldn't have asked the question. Point.
Now a hundred years or so ago there was a man in South Africa who made a prophecy very similar to yours. This is why i am absolutely convinced it is going to happen.

By the way the man's name was Siener Van Rensburg.


posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by ET_MAN

General rules and guidelines for anyone asking questions.

1- I will decide what questions to answer. If your question is not answered, it is because I have chosen not to answer the question or because I'm not permitted to answer the question. If your question is lacking in courtesy, decency and/or respect I have the right to not answer your question.

Then ATS may not have been a good choice as a place to put this information out to the public. Did you research this site at all before you posted this information? If you did, you would have found, that there are many hard core debunkers here. Name calling and being rude by others, many others and myself can understand your point on that. I did find that after you started this topic, and the questions started to roll in, YOU HAVE bypassed some very legitimate questions when this happened. Many of those who asked a question, even came back and asked it again and got the same results. Many notice this, and it doesn`t take long for the debunkers to dive into it.

As for not being permitted to answer a specific question, does this by chance have to do with universal laws? If so, please explain this, and if it doesn`t, again, please explain.

2- I have a limited amount of time being engaged in other things. I will not waste my time on inappropriate, discourteous, insensible or disrespectful questions.

Then maybe you are taking on a task that may be to big for you to handle. When you overload your schedual, it hurts everything your trying to do overall.

When it comes to ET information and experiences, I've intentionally avoided certain information/topics/material and with good reason.

Again, does this have to do with universal law?

[edit on 1-6-2010 by FiatLux]

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by benedict9

Extensive research into that particular information stream reads that what is on the way is a once every 300,000 year event. The comet thing is directly related to the 3D experience we find our selves playing in at the moment. BTW: 300,000 years is about how long we have been stuck here also.

The bottom line is that if you see comets, you remain stuck in this physical cycle. The theme from that site is that we need to work on raising our vibration in order to ride the wave rather than be swallowed up by it. It is up to each individual to do the work on them selves. No one else can do that work for them.

I can show you where the well is, but you must take the drink. I can't do that for you.

I had trouble seeing it at first, and it was not till I started doing "the work" on my self that I began to see at a much wider angle. Using a wide angle lens should be mandatory, rather than accepting being stuck in strong will and wrong information.

That is what made the take over so easy, we enjoy the physical experience so much that we overlook the road out. They have studied us and know how to entice us, against our wishes for things to change. We just give up and go with the flow, drifting through the physical experience, never truly learning from the experience.

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by ET_MAN

Hahahahahaaaa, you are still stuck on the Law of One!!!

Get some new material. I told you in a U2U that I have no interest in you or your opinions, but sometimes I come over here to see if you are still playing with these people. And you are.

While I have absolutely no interest in your opinions, I do feel a need for someone to poke in and out of here so the poor newcomers get a chance to see that you COULD be leading them to the slaughter.

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by ET_MAN

Blujay wrote:

This thread is meant to pull you in.

That is your own opinion and everyone-1 is entitled to their own opinion. Blujay has brought up her ego issues seen throughout this thread among others but evidently she is still working on them because she finds time to send me negative U2U's making false accusations/assumptions/judgments against me. It reveals a lot about yourself Blujay.

You've had a really hard time with this thread and I see that it has affected you greatly insomuch that you feel compelled to send me negative comments, U2U's and so on.

Blujay I can only say that I send you Positivity and LOVE.

One question ET_MAN, what`s with telling the world what Blujay sends to you in a U2U? I thought that was private messages. Isn`t this a little dirty on your part? Then you send them positivity and love?

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 02:28 PM
Alright, I will cower here and post the negative U2U I sent ... for all the world to see :

from: blujay
sent: 6-4-2010 at 02:36 PM
The Folly of Spiritual Vanity

Vanity is a trap, indeed, and here's the reason why:

People on a spiritual path often find themselves moving into higher states of awareness, as they progress along the way. The problem of spiritual vanity arises, however, whenever there is a fascination or fixation on these experiences. It is tempting for some people to believe that just because they had this marvelous experience, that they are somehow better or more enlightened than others. This, of course, is absurd.

What is really happening here is that their egos, which are not yet fully reintegrated into the experience of Divine Remembrance, are playing tricks on them.

Let me give you a silly example to illustrate this point.

Let's pretend that the ego is your local school teacher, and that you are a naive student who is willing to believe just about anything that you are told. Your teacher encourages you to write the following incomplete sentence on the blackboard: “My spiritual experience is...,” and then complete it with the following statement: “...better than your experience, any day of the week, so why not let me tell you about it?”

Then your teacher sends you home to repeat this ridiculous statement to your family, friends, and neighbors, until they are either convinced that you know exactly what you are talking about and should lead them to the Holy Land, or that you are certifiably insane. And so, the false prophet is born. "

I deleted the one you sent me about how you KNOW who I am, and commented on my daughters' looks.

You sure have a lot of anger towards those questioning you. That says a lot about you as well, my friend.

editing to add that I love you man. Even with all the annoyances, there are not many other people in my life I can muddle this topic over with!

[edit on 1-6-2010 by blujay]

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by blujay

See, this is exactly what I am talking about. Making nice in public, then doing the complete opposite when no one is looking. We all do/have done this to one extent or an other. If it is that good why not be that way all the time instead of only when no one is looking?

Does no one see the inconsistencies in our behaviour patterns, that we never seem to be able to understand or change, but must in order to break free?

Why haven't I learned these lessons yet? Am I not capable of learning these lessons? .... so much for that theory, it doesn't work that way.

We are stuck trying to learn basic lessons over and over, it seems.

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by blujay

Hi Blujay,

I sincerely hope that You/Me/I (from your perspective) will take something from this post and learn from it.

I told you in a U2U that I have no interest in you or your opinions,
Alright, I will cower here and post the negative U2U I sent

Respectfully, are you in denial then about sending me the other 3 or so U2U's?

What is really happening here is that their egos,

Respectfully Blujay, from what you have sent me and from my perspective, I feel in your case that I should be more direct and honest about it under the circumstances. This may even teach You/Me/I a lesson
– Let's work on that ego/pride just a little more, because others that simply disagree with people usually don't go around sending negative U2U's in private simply because they do not agree with someone-1. It sounds like issues that one-1 has within themselves that needs to be resolved. You send me negative U2U's that I ignore but sure enough you couldn't stop - I did reply to your last U2U but it was NOTHING but LOVE & POSITIVITY back at you.

I deleted the one you sent me about how you KNOW who I am, and commented on my daughters' looks.

Another ATS member (unmentioned) was chatting with me on Yahoo Messenger that knew you, your name was brought up and I mentioned that you had sent me some negative U2U's. You communicated with each other about that situation. Do you remember...

you are still stuck on the Law of One!!!
you COULD be leading them to the slaughter.

Is doing good unto others and having LOVE in one-1's heart being led to the slaughter?

OR is believing that Evil is Good and Good is Evil being led to the slaughter?

Is murdering, torturing, using, abusing, raping and so on LOVE and if one-1 believes that these things are only good and LOVE - and it's OK to do such things to others is that NOT being led to the slaughter?

So let's get this straight, regardless of what a person can possibly do to another person including murder, abuse, torture, rape it's all about LOVE because 'All is Love' - is that the way you feel?

Who is really being led to the slaughter with such beliefs?

Do you not believe in the law of consequence to action/attraction?

So regardless of what a person can possibly do to another person in this life there are NO RULES since there's no such thing as EVIL or WRONG but all is only 'LOVE.'

You are really me and WE are the murderers and everyone-1 out there in the world are merely fractals of ourselves?

I am you and you are me.

So doesn't that kind of make You and I one and the same?

It's not really ME but YOU that started thread is that correct?

So when you sent me those negative comments and it wasn't the U2U you posted here by the way (that U2U was only 1 of several and you left out other parts) but nevertheless you were NOT sending it to ME/I but (technically) to yourself from your belief/perspective?

Do You/Me/I send negative U2U's to yourself/myself or everyone-1 that You/Me/I disagree with quite often?

You sure have a lot of anger towards those questioning you

Did I not just send you Positivity and LOVE (As always) while you sent me negativity through past U2U's, posts and comments and do you make it a habit of U2U'ing everyone-1 that you disagree with?

You/I must be hard at work sending out U2U's if that is the case I/You can only imagine.

I send you Positivity and LOVE as I always have and I hope that the ego can be well and you will not have to continue following up on this thread.

This is your/my/our test and I hope you/we can pass it!

If you truly have control over yourself and the ego you will simply take this post in a calm way and if you don't agree with this thread you will simply be on your way. You will also stop sending You/Me/I negativity through U2U's/posts etc.

Lego my ego

Best Wishes!

Edit to add since You/Me/I Edited to add:

editing to add that I love you man.

I LOVE you to Blujay and LOVE everyone-1 and have always sent you Positivity and LOVE. This post has the best intentions in mind especially just for You/Me/I Blujay to make a point so that You/Me/I can get it. I'm sure that You/Me/I can pass the test even if You/Me/I don't agree with ourselves. Blessings to you and no need to come back to this thread if You/Me/I simply don't agree, we can still LOVE and RESPECT each other. After all according to Your beliefs - I am You and You are Me so never forget to LOVE and RESPECT yourself.

[edit on 1-6-2010 by ET_MAN]

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