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Will the energy-climate bill be the straw that breaks America's back?

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posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 06:47 PM
I've seen nothing on ATS regarding this crucial congressional vote. It is apparently being hastily pushed through. From what I understand, this vote is happening as I post.

Major energy-climate bill chugs toward House vote

This is another disaster aimed at draining the savings of Americans. This bill has been altered at the last moment and it is virtually impossible for anyone voting on it to have read it and understand what is contained. This is the same tactic used with the stimulus package.

Obama pledged transparency during the campaign. This is not transparency. This is forcing another tax package through congress and this one under the guise of clean energy/environmentally friendly legislation. From the AP report:

The White House and congressional Democrats argued the bill would create millions of "green jobs" as the nation shifts to greater reliance on renewable energy sources such as wind and solar and development of more fuel-efficient vehicles — and away from use of fossil fuels such as oil, gas and coal. - By H. JOSEF HEBERT and DINA CAPPIELLO, Associated Press

What is not mentioned here is the loss of jobs in those other industries and the net loss of energy from wind and solar etc. These forms of energy do not produce anything approaching equal to coal, oil or nuclear. I recommend everyone read these reports.

This from, the result of the vote:

House, in close vote, approves measure to limit pollution, move US toward cleaner power

The House Republican leader, Rep. John Boehner, calls this bill a "bureaucratic nightmare".

What do you think of this?

[edit on 26-6-2009 by Hemisphere]

[edit on 26-6-2009 by Hemisphere]

[edit on 26-6-2009 by Hemisphere]

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 07:03 PM
IT is just a new way to tax the people. I am so sick of these fools in Washington. I spent the better part of the day watching CSPAN. Do they even realize that people are watching? At one point there was an amendment with over 300 pages that nobody had read. This amendment nullified parts of the bill and none of them knew what was changed. Still they pushed the vote. IDIOTS that's what they are IDIOTS!!!!!

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 07:12 PM
I was watching the last 2 hours before the vote, it is absolutly unbelievable this trash passed.

There was a 309 page amendment added at 3:09 am, the republican leader simply read excerpts from it as an argument agains the bill and the stuff he was reading was horrifying.

Some of the highlights: All houses before being sold will have to have an energy efficiency audit, and all inspectors will have to be retrained at taxpayer expense. If the house does not meet the standards of the bill the seller is required to get it up to code at their cost.

All new houses are to be built with a certain number and size and locations of electrical outlets for electric cars.

Every city village or town will have to have an energy efficiency czar to enforce the regulations.

Derivatives laws were repealed, ones which I am sure might get in the way of the fortune the banks are going to make selling Carbon derivatives.

The bill will give more money to fannie and freddie for green mortgages, preferred financing to get people into energy efficient housing.

The bill mandates for every year for at least the next thirty the percent of power that most be purchased from alt energy. It also allows up to 20 year contracts be signed for providing such energy - so of course we are going to be locked into outrageous rates because of these long term contracts while alt energy costs our high due to the infancy of the industry. There was so much more, we are really screwed.

EVEN THE EPA said the bill WILL INCREASE pollution.

Most estimates say it will cost at least 800 billion and cost at least 2 million jobs. Based on what I heard I think it will be even more than that.

If people would just take the time to watch cspan a few times, they would be so sickened that not 1 member even reads bills like this the whole country might turn around.

I think this is the worst bill to pass for our economy since the passage of the creation of the IRS.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 07:13 PM
The fourth of July this year should be set aside as a day of mourning for a nation that lost the will to be free!!!!

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by daddyroo45

I can't say what I think we should do. But I can tell you one thing the rate it is going this very well could be the straw that breaks the camels back.

It wouldn't surprise me one bit if there was gun control hidden in this legislation. It still has to get through the senate though.

Everybody that voted to pass this and didn't read it deserves to be voted out and run out of town. This really ticks me off.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

You are a very kind and generous man to let these bastards off so lightly by running them out of town. I just dont think congress is listening to the people at all. The Democratic Congressmen (and women) are scared of their districts but have been cowed by Pelosi anyway? Who the heck is in charge around here?

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by TreadUpon

I can't say what I think we should do.

That was the first line in my post, and running these smucks out of town is definitely being awfully nice and generous about it.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by proximo

I watched that circus the better part of the day. I was amazed at how easily the majority glossed over the treachery hidden in that bill.

They touted green energy,but left neuclear power completely out of the bill.

We are being administered by morons!!!!

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 07:27 PM
Why do you think they are talking about Michael Jackson on CNN and other "news outlets" 24 hours a day? They know exactly about the disastrous effect this will have on the economy and the people are not supposed to find out about it. This is absolutely outrageous.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 07:39 PM
Do you realize that this is the SECOND major bill passed by these turds, without READING it?

What in hell do we need these people for?

We could send a single monkey with a stamp and do as well.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 07:45 PM
What a bunch of fraking crooks!

They will be laughing all the way to the bank if this passes. I know algore is going to be making BILLIONS off this POS.

It's official: Obama is the worse president in history.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by Bullhorn

Oh. Good point. Seriously. Kill Michael Jackson to pass the energy bill? Sounds very ATS-ish.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by proximo
There was a 309 page amendment added at 3:09 am, the republican leader simply read excerpts from it as an argument agains the bill and the stuff he was reading was horrifying.

Some of the highlights: All houses before being sold will have to have an energy efficiency audit, and all inspectors will have to be retrained at taxpayer expense. If the house does not meet the standards of the bill the seller is required to get it up to code at their cost.

All new houses are to be built with a certain number and size and locations of electrical outlets for electric cars.

Every city village or town will have to have an energy efficiency czar to enforce the regulations.

Derivatives laws were repealed, ones which I am sure might get in the way of the fortune the banks are going to make selling Carbon derivatives.

The bill will give more money to fannie and freddie for green mortgages, preferred financing to get people into energy efficient housing.

The bill mandates for every year for at least the next thirty the percent of power that most be purchased from alt energy. It also allows up to 20 year contracts be signed for providing such energy - so of course we are going to be locked into outrageous rates because of these long term contracts while alt energy costs our high due to the infancy of the industry. There was so much more, we are really screwed.

So we are going to have the local party chiefs enforce the code? How very Soviet Russia.

Oh well. The United States of America was nice while it lasted.

Forgot the second vid. Killing people = Greening.

Soylent Green is people!

[edit on 26-6-2009 by GreenGlassDoor]

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by Bullhorn

Just like the stimulus they press these turds through while the country (at least the bumpkins) are distracted. What has been the theme on the networks? Farah and Michael wall to wall while this bill if mentioned at all is encapsulated and scrolled at the bottom of the screen. Where has this story been leading up to today? Virtually ignored with the exception perhaps of a C-Span. I rarely watch C-Span so I'm assuming there. Have the Republicans in congress been shouting about this prior to today? Were they at the podium at 3AM on C-Span?

This administration was a Trojan horse. They baffled the masses with just left of moderate bs and swung hard left the day after the inauguration. When will the Obama supporters realize this will cripple them too? Do they fear him that much? Is he Fidel Castro II? There wasn't time to read the amendment today let alone the bill itself. The country is being hijacked!

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by GreenGlassDoor

I didn't say they killed him. I'm saying this came at the perfect moment for these idiots to have an excuse not to cover the climate change bill which is a far more important story.

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 02:51 AM
Americas back was broken a long time ago.

Bush, Cheney and Obama have all played a part in destroying this country and we all sat back and did nothing to stop them.

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 03:55 AM
Energy-climate bill be the straw that breaks the democrats,

I see the democrats loosing 4 to 8 seats in the senate. And 5 to 10 in the house.

The recession spending will not have done much and taxes will be raising to pay for the stimulus.

Wages will be dropping as companies find that they can hire people for less because there will be long lines of people that will take any job for low wages just to have work.

The banks will tack on new fees on your money.

Health care will still be screwed up and if the democrats do come up with a plan it will only help a few and most people will be forced to buy into insurance that can not afford on top of the new taxes and lower wages.

The US will still be in bad shape in 2010 and 2012 and the people will take it out on the democrats by voting them out.

They will find out that Obama's change is something they don't want and can not afford.

If the democrats even think about more gun control laws or bans that will add even more voters against them.

There comes a time where large number of laws that affect a few pile up and start affecting many.

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by Hemisphere

Will the energy-climate bill be the straw that breaks America's back?

It may well be the final straw, but if it isn't, the health care bill certainly will.

Because, as they say, if you think health care is expensive now, just wait till it's free!

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 06:37 AM
As I said in a previous thread: Americans, my countrymen, turned out to be nothing but a bunch of spineless chicken # punks. Yeah some gather in the streets and wave their cheaply made plastic flags (Made in China BTW) for some feel good I love freedom bull crap protest. But when it gets down to defending freedom we Americans deserve everything we get. So, go BBQ and watch some baseball; it's summer.

Carbon credits will be the new currency of the world. We are all doomed.

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