Originally posted by ELECTRICkoolaidZOMBIEtest
the only advice i can give is that it doesnt work.
if you do get it to work, i suggest you contact the james randi foundation. you can get a million dollars.
Depending on what you do it can work. I've done a few with concrete results, contacted Randi and he said he would be interested. Except I didn't
want the money or to be on TV and gave him all the instructions on how replicate it himself but he wasn't willing.
I'll post a technique that has always worked for me.
What you will need: At least 2 people, two sheets of paper, a pen, and a few squares of toilette paper(3 or more).
How to prepare: Draw the Star of David with a circle around it on one sheet of paper, use the other to tear or cut three rectangular strips to roll up
and make cigarette like cylinders. Flatten these cylinders out and write, "yes" on the first, "no" on the second, and "maybe" on the third.
How to play: These answers must each be placed in the center of a square of toilette paper, fold it over and roll it up starting at the end where the
answer is resting. Like placing your index finger in one hand, closing that hand and rolling it starting from your knuckles.
Now place each of the three answers in the star on a different side of one of the triangles that makes up the Star of David, they should form one of
the triangles. Now you are ready to play.
Sit around the star with whoever you are playing with, one of you needs to be the leader. Everyone must hold hands. While everyone is holding hands
they must close their eyes. To start the leader will first attract a spirit. He will ask "Spirit Spirit are you with us, yes no or maybe?" as he
asks this or any other question the others must be thinking yes yes yes ... continuously in their head until the process is over. After he has asked
any question the leader must also join in on thinking yes yes yes ... repeatedly, saying it in your head.
After about 10 seconds everyone can open their eyes, the leader or whoever can then slowly unroll each of the answers to see if a response was
received. You will know if the response has occurred because the cylinder will have moved out of the fold. Imagine your index finger in the center of
your closed hand, it is now strangely resting on your knuckles.
If you don't get an answer immediately continue asking if it is with you until you do, it never took more than 5 tries for me. Once it is there you
can ask it any question that can be answered with a yes no or maybe in the form "Spirit Spirit, (insert question), yes no or maybe?" The process is
always the same for everyone else.
If you do try it out an it works for you let me know. Just seeing that answer where it is not supposed to be is mind boggling. I was told that anyone
who is present must participate or it won't work, also no cameras or it won't work. After you get this to work do feel free to try and it get it to
work on camera. James Randi would be willing to put his million dollars on the line.