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This is HUGE...

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posted on May, 5 2004 @ 03:44 AM
OK, everyone bear with me for a minute here. This is a theory that just hit me while reviewing the Denver International Airport's security policies.

*deep breath*

Alright, now think about this. What if 9-11 was staged on purpose, solely for the purpose of implementing stricter security measures in airports? Why you ask?

Well, that would give them justification to detain personnel within the airport. Now, assuming DIA is what it is said to be...the perfect way to get people into the underground secret portion to conduct whatever the hell they do down there is exactly that. Detain personnel, using rules and regulations mandated by the "New World Airport Commission", then concealing their detainment, transport them to the underground facility for "whatever".

Do you see where I am going with this?

And, it wouldn't only have to be DIA. There are probably many other airports worldwide that are participating in this conspiracy.

Mr. M

posted on May, 5 2004 @ 04:03 AM
Also, something I just thought of...

How many times in the past 2 years have you heard about people being detained in airports? Not too many. They have to leak a few everyonce in a while to make it seem like their "system" is working, and that they are doing their jobs. But in reality, most of these detainments are kept secret, and for good reason.

Now, I want you to think about something REALLY DEEP for a second...

Once detained, by drug inducement, they could force a loss of memory on the individual, causing lost time. This would prevent the individual from remembering what happened to him/her. They could take them down below for experiments/implants, then put them on a later flight, and the person would never know what happened, only that they missed their flight, and boarded a later one. Mind control is a wonderful thing...

Mr. M

posted on May, 5 2004 @ 04:05 AM
Star Child... thank you... thank you so much; oh my goodness... you have just renewed my faith in the human race.

I totally see where you are going with this and have been at the same position you are just noticing for quite some time now. You can take solace in the idea that we are not alone and there are many of us like-minded intellectuals. I am happy to see that you really do have an open mind and are willing to question big government. I am really quite sorry for my previous remarks and assumptions as a result.

I can tell you for sure that a lot of the motive behind 911 was the implementation of more security. A theory I have been working on as of late is that this security isn't necessarily for the terrorist you'll see making a prepared speech on CNN. It seems to be more for people like you and me who get smart and realize the strings they are trying to pull on us.

posted on May, 5 2004 @ 04:10 AM
Thanks for that, AnhilamOmega.

In my opinion, this scenario is very, very possible. However, random selection of individuals would have to be VERY CAREFULLY implemented. They could not possibly just pick and choose people to detain. For the simple fact that, if they had companions (family/friends/associates), this would raise suspicions, and would ultimately result in the questioning of authorities.

Personnel who would be suitable for detainment meet the following:

Older, Single Men and Women (unaccompanied)
Younger Single Men and Women (unaccompanied)
Airport Personnel (Lower Echelon)

The only exception to detaining an accompanied person for experimentation/implantation would be to detain everyone associated with the target individual.

Mr. M

posted on May, 5 2004 @ 04:11 AM
It seems a bit over the top to kill 3,000 people and cause billions of dollars worth of damage just to be able to detain people at airports.The same thing could have been achieved by simple hijackings without flying airplanes into the Pentagon and WTC.

posted on May, 5 2004 @ 04:12 AM
Also why RATS? This is kinda old well-covered ground, couldn't it be in WoT?

posted on May, 5 2004 @ 04:16 AM
Kano, I think the reason for it being in RATS is pretty self-explanatory.

JB1, I think you missed my point. The purpose of detaining personnel for "use" by the government is the goal I think they are trying to achieve. Take some time and really, really think about it...

Why else would the DIA rumors be running around? It makes perfect sense. The connection is almost to easy to spot. Other airport's activities just haven't been noticed yet, that's all.

Mr. M

posted on May, 5 2004 @ 04:18 AM
SC, you're very welcome and wow, I had no idea that they could drug these people after they detain them. That's just ludicrous! Thanks for the info.

John Bull, it's not just about airport security. It's about creating a more fascist state. It seems they just won't give this one up. People would be up in arms if you suddenly were to impose these rules and regulations, like Patriot Act, without a justifiable cause like 911. So what do you do? You turn up the boiler ever so slowly so the frog doesn't jump out...

What do I mean by that? You engineer a series of events, one after the other, with a sole goal in mind. You create these events so you can impose the laws and regulations you want to have, and at first, you will find little to no opposition from the general public because they are still in the wake of recent tragedies. It's a clever methodology, but quite devious and dishonest.

posted on May, 5 2004 @ 04:20 AM
AlnilamOmega, you just hit it right on the money!!! That is brilliant. Your statement about, "You engineer a series of events, one after the other, with a sole goal in mind. You create these events so you can impose the laws and regulations you want to have, and at first, you will find little to no opposition from the general public because they are still in the wake of recent tragedies. It's a clever methodology, but quite devious and dishonest." is perfect.

Mr. M

posted on May, 5 2004 @ 05:24 AM
its just easier to create a totalitarian state if people stop moving around so much and having tighter border controls.

but to detain people for no reason and drug/implant them is probably over the top. at least for right now.

posted on May, 5 2004 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by StarChild
How many times in the past 2 years have you heard about people being detained in airports? Not too many.

Dude. There are literally dozens and dozens of people detained in each and every airport around the world, every minute of the day. It's such a common practice, that is why you don't hear about it.

There are about 5 or 6 departments that work out of the airports, that have powers of detention. From Customs to Police, Airport Security to Immigration. The authorities have always been able to stop and detain anyone they don't like the look of for a thousand different reasons.

posted on May, 5 2004 @ 06:02 AM
So what makes you think that all they are doing is "interviewing" people? Huh?

Mr. M

posted on May, 5 2004 @ 06:46 AM

Originally posted by StarChild
Once detained, by drug inducement, they could force a loss of memory on the individual, causing lost time. This would prevent the individual from remembering what happened to him/her. They could take them down below for experiments/implants, then put them on a later flight, and the person would never know what happened, only that they missed their flight, and boarded a later one. Mind control is a wonderful thing...
Mr. M

But like abductees don't you think that they would eventually either remember about their lost time, or start to wonder what happened? And wouldn't you have to do this just to individuals? Wouldn't it be hard to explain to a family, where one of thier group went for a few hours? Especially if they showed up not remembering anything?
I mean you could give them Ketamine which will cause amnesia
lipitor has been known to cause amnesia but not a for sure thing
I guess if you really didn;t want them to remember ANYTHING, you could give them Versed aka Midazoliam, which IMO would be about the only drug I know of that would induce retrograde amnesia and they would not remember a thing .(Well let me clarify that, they would remember being "taken" but NOTHING after the drug)

"Midazolam is associated with a high incidence of partial or complete impairment of recall for the next several hours "

I still have a problem with "taking the individual" especially if they are not alone.
What would be the criteria for picking them?
Age? Race? Sex? Would they know before hand who they wanted and where they were?
And after the procedure, would there be some sort of post hypnotic suggestion? Those have to be reinforced or they wear off.
Just wondering..............

[Edited on 5-5-2004 by NetStorm]

posted on May, 5 2004 @ 06:56 AM
Yeah, I know what you are saying. It is a very VERY complex process. But it is possible.

How else would they get people into the underground portion of DIA? Hmmm?

Mr. M

posted on May, 5 2004 @ 07:03 AM

Originally posted by StarChild
Yeah, I know what you are saying. It is a very VERY complex process. But it is possible.

How else would they get people into the underground portion of DIA? Hmmm?

Mr. M

But you still haven't explained the reasons behind it. What would be the purpose? What gains would the government get out of it? Drones? People that follow orders without question? How would you reinforce it?
It's a proven fact that you can't get somone to do something against their morals even under hypnosis. And any drug eventually will wear off.
Wouldn't it be easier just to add it to the water and assure that everyone gets it and that way assure a constant dose? And for those that don't drink tap water add it to bottled water. Heck for that matter put it in the nuts they serve on airplanes
I'm not trying to shoot your theory down just need reasons behind it and what purpose it would serve.

posted on May, 5 2004 @ 07:11 AM
My point is this:

My theory supports the logic behind having a secret underground military facility located beneath an airport.

The ramifications of 9-11 allow the government a reason to detain people, thus providing them with the opportunity to "smuggle" them below the airport for their experiments.

I know it sounds insane, but it is possible...

Mr. M

posted on May, 5 2004 @ 07:26 AM
You are referring to the AGTS right? Automated Ground Transportation System.

"C.B. 808, Series of 1996, A bill for an ordinance approving a proposed Contract Amendment between the City and County of Denver and ABB Daimler-Benz
Transportation of (North America) Inc. f/k/a AEG Westinghouse Transportation Systems Inc. concerning the operation and maintenance of the automated ground transportation system (AGTS) for Denver International Airport. (DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT)

Or is there another underground facility in the airport?

you also might find this interesting

[Edited on 5-5-2004 by NetStorm]

posted on May, 5 2004 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by StarChild
Yeah, I know what you are saying. It is a very VERY complex process. But it is possible.

How else would they get people into the underground portion of DIA? Hmmm?

Mr. M

How do "they" get people anywhere else... secrecy for one thing. I mean how do they get people anywhere for all of these types of things ???

I understand you're thinking on this whole idea, but they wouldn't kill 3K people and all of the money that has been spent on security since IMO, now with that being said, if there were military bases underneath all major airports in the U.S. that would make more sense to me to go to the extremes of 9/11 to "tighten" security at airports and "smuggle" the people beneath.

Still a good thought though. I just don't agree with it

posted on May, 5 2004 @ 07:47 AM
I think this is more along the lines of what I am referring to...

DIA Underground Base

Have you not heard the rumors?

Mr. M

posted on May, 5 2004 @ 07:50 AM
Well, elevate...I'd like to refer you to a post made earlier by AnhilamOmega.

"You engineer a series of events, one after the other, with a sole goal in mind. You create these events so you can impose the laws and regulations you want to have, and at first, you will find little to no opposition from the general public because they are still in the wake of recent tragedies. It's a clever methodology, but quite devious and dishonest."

This pretty much sums it all up. Yeah, I understand you think it is a little outrageous, but consider the benefits (for the government anyway) of implementing something like this.

Can you say unlimited resources?

Mr. M

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