posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 03:06 PM
Some of us, myself included, think that we already know the truth. That we knew the truth a long time ago, before we ever came here. That we knowingly
allowed a veil to be placed over our eyes so that we could prove our love for our creator, without the benefit of cosmic truth.
On math tests back in school, they wouldn't let us use calculators. We had to know how to do it the long, old, boring way.
Same thing here I think. Yeah, we will get to the truth, the long way. Do you think that if you had all the answers when you were born that you would
care to go on any sort of spiritual journey? What is the motivation to learn and grow if we know it all already?
Yeah, I think he knows we will get it, if that is what is in store for us as individuals, but without us doing it ourselves, because we want to, what
is it worth?