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It’s not the size of the bang - North Korea

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posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 10:39 AM

In contrast to the global frenzy triggered by North Korea's nuclear weapons test, the threat of biochemical WMDs has prompted a muted response from the West. The reason may be what former weapons inspector Christopher Davis has dubbed "nuclear blindness," which he defines as "the tunnel vision ... brought on by the mistaken belief that it is only the size of the bang that matters.

Intelligence reports from the United States and South Korea list anthrax, smallpox, pneumonic plague, cholera and botulism toxins as leading components of North Korea's bioweapons projects.

Michael Stebbins, head of Biology Policy at the Federation of American Scientists says, the country "has the infrastructure to weaponize them."

Anthrax is believed to be one of North Korea's most fully developed biological weapons. Growing anthrax on a large scale is relatively easy: It can be done with basic brewing equipment. Sources indicate that North Korea also has developed the ability to mill anthrax (grinding the cake into microscopic powder), and to treat it to form a lethal and durable weapon.


The article above was published in 2007, so two years ago roughly.

Well, two years is a chunk of time, they could have come a long way in two years.

I’m not trying at fear mongering - I’m just saying I don’t ever discount the David and Goliath syndrome when Korea North is is a player in the war.

Meaning we’re all looking at the skies for the big missile - when the missile might be the size of a ballpoint pen that made it through customs in someone's shirt front pocket.
Smaller “missile* but deadly none the less.

How deadly is the question.

After doing more reading I see the delivery system is by far not as simple as I proposed - but really, how difficult could it be?
And, of course the delivery system would greatly reduce the target - the person who ingested the substance - not something that could be passed on to others - but again - how many kills does it take for North Korea to feel it's made good on it's threats?


posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 10:45 AM
Theres plenty of ways to for someone small like that if they have certain weaposn to do something to america.

I doubt they can really.

But i would assume russia and china know how to get at america, with very limited ways, without what you people here think.

Whether n korea have the tactical brain to do anything really is questionable, but things are possible, not saying likely, but possible.

Go an listen to rifat on rense radio, to see what may be possible for a small country.

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by andy1033

Whether n korea have the tactical brain to do anything really is questionable, but things are possible, not saying likely, but possible.

Well they can make the stuff - that’s called *easy* so the article says...

How hard could it be from that point to load up a few containers and send it over? Or for someone to bring it over...

I so hope I’m wrong.

Again, I just feel Korea North is going too far with the *barking* this time - not to make good on the threat.

I mean they even have China on their toes now... And I’ve yet to see China dance for North Korea but it seems to be what they’re doing now...


posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by silo13

A point that has been overlooked on a lot of threads, this seems to have taken a seat on the backburner and the supposed nuclear testing that's being going on could have been a giant smokescreen the entire time.

I read on another thread a few days ago about mustard gas and nerve agents they have been testing aswell. Highly possible something like that would be used if it got into an urban warfare situation.

Do you think he'd try something like that? I think he knows he building up a lot of attention but that still kinda makes me think he's hoping for a big finale, using chemical weapons is well.. a dirty tactic really. I definitely don't count it out though for someone like him and I bet if it kicks off big time he'll use that as a last resort on South Korea, punishing them for not siding with him.

Can't we just bunker buster his palace and claim it was an asteroid.. or swamp gas

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 10:59 AM
Well that was sobering. Thanks for the great thread Silo, I completely agree with you. It seems they are too focused on one type of weapon, when in fact NK has a plethora of them available.

Hmm, 2 years is a big chunk of time alright, they could have done anything by now.


posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by ItsallCrazy

Do you think he'd try something like that?

Honestly I’m not in a position to give an informed opinion.

Uninformed? You bet. *Wink*

IMUO - I still think there is a LOT more to this than *we* even have a clue to - or *they* are going to let us know.

There’s just way too much *whoopla* going on to believe this just an unprovoked stand against the world by North Korea.

Though I don’t know what is provoking them other than the USA - or why...

And could it really be the whole hue and cry isn’t hiding something else absolutely horrible we may or may never find out about until it’s well over and done with?


One thing I think might come of it though... A crisis resulting in the *tagging* each and every American whatever happens.

And Yes, Biological warfare would result in no one going out to do anything, buy anything, travel, NOTHING, without a *health* card = National ID Card, or whatever you want to call the *tracking system*...

I’m not going to say I have an *uneasy* feeling about all this - luckily I’m too naive to be able to back up something like that with fact - But there are enough people who can.

And like I said, I never discount the David to our Goliath.

Thanks ItsallCrazy...


Thank you Keeper! I appreciate your input.

[edit on 24-6-2009 by silo13]

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 11:38 AM
International Crisis Group

North Korea’s Chemical and Biological Weapons Programs


This report examines North Korea’s chemical and biological weapons capabilities in the context of its military doctrine and national objectives.

North Korea’s programs to develop weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and ballistic missiles pose serious risks to security. Pyongyang’s nuclear capabilities are the greatest threat, but it also possesses a large stockpile of chemical weapons and is suspected of maintaining a biological weapons program.

There is no direct mechanism for dealing with its chemical weapons and possible biological weapons.

The North Korean leadership is very unlikely to surrender its WMD unless there is significant change in the political and security environments.

The international community must be prepared to deal with a wide range of threats, including those posed by Pyongyang’s chemical and biological weapons capabilities.

However, the North’s conventional military capabilities are declining against those of its potential foes, so the leadership is likely to rely on asymmetric capabilities for its national security objectives. This strategy poses a significant danger because it risks deliberate, accidental or unauthorized WMD attacks or incidents.

North Korea has not signed the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) but has signed the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) as well as the Geneva Protocol, which prohibits the use of chemical and biological weapons in war. (Signed but continue to make more biological weapons and refine the delivery of them).

The government denies having CW or biological weapons (BW) programs (Something that is touted to be a falsehood of course) but claims to be threatened by South Korean and U.S.

In a struggle for power or a coup d’état, the use or transfer of North Korean WMD would be unlikely but cannot be ruled out.

Diplomatic efforts should focus on the nuclear issue now, but preliminary efforts should also be made to address Pyongyang’s chemical weapons and biological weapons.

The North’s biotechnology capability is rudimentary, (debatable) but any biological agents or BW technology in its possession would be highly valued.

Diplomatic efforts to eliminate North Korean WMD and ballistic missiles must continue, but the international community must be prepared for multiple contingencies including:

· a deliberate, accidental or unauthorized chemical or biological attack or incident;
· a chemical weapons accident in North Korea;
· an accidental release of biological agents in North Korea;
· the North’s use of CW following an intentional or inadvertent military clash and escalation;
· North Korean use of biological or chemical weapons in a preventive war against South Korea;
· the transfer of chemical or biological weapons, precursors, materials and technologies to other states or non-state actors; and
· arms races.

There are a number of inter­national institutions for dealing with the North Korean chemical and biological weapons programs. However, they may not be sufficient for addressing all issues, and new regional instruments may be necessary.

Pyongyang’s other weapons of mass destruction, including a large chemical weapons stockpile and biological weapons, must be eliminated before a stable and permanent peace can be established in North East Asia.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by silo13

No worries

Of course they're going to deny having chemical or biological weapons, everyone does don't they? There will be a big difference between letting their missile launches fail miserably and drop into the sea and if they deploy chemical weapons.

The difference being that he isn't really causing any problems with his crappy missile tests but I can see a big turnaround on the sit back and watch tactic the whole world is taking now. If he started using nerve agents, white phosphorous or whatever he'd have hell to pay and I think people would start coming down on him hard.

Problem being how compact or discreet you can make those sorta weapons instead of needing a launch pad, technicians, time for planning what the hell to do after he launches a missile (like finding a square inch of the country that hasn't been flattened with return fire.) A case full of anthrax or something would be a lot harder to trace back to him aswell... dependant on where he used such a weapon of course.

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