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Official ! Scots health chiefs are preparing for a swine flu DOOMSDAY

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posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 04:41 PM
Government officials are ready for a worst-case scenario of 63,700 deaths in Scotland if the bug becomes more severe during the pandemic.

It’s feared the current H1N1 virus — which killed mum Jacqueline Fleming, 38, of Glasgow, on Sunday — could become like the Spanish flu of 1918 which claimed 40million lives worldwide.

The article goes on to quote the following "Terrifying plans — drawn up before a global pandemic was confirmed last week — could also see ice rinks and freezer lorries used as makeshift morgues."

I class myself as an educated, level headed thinker. Im not usually an alarmist, but this concerns me, begs a few questions and leads me to conclude that.........

1. Maybe the threat is real, whether man made flu or not. If it is man made are we seeing the de-population of the planet very soon via virus, or via vaccination?

2. The media fear mongering that went on at the start of the outbreak is being ramped up to give us more to think about than the financial melt down that is taking place.

3. Although I find it difficult to get my head totaly round the 2012 scenario and all the doom and gloom associated with prophecised pandemics, floods and wars...could this flu realy be part of that bigger picture? and do the PTB know it is going to mutate?

Whatever you think, there is one thing for sure. Governments dont spend millions on vaccines when they are broke and here in Scotland the intention is that all of the population will be getting vaccinated.

Scary but exciting times we live in.


posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 05:00 PM
A lot of people on the mysterious swine flu thread say that H1N1 is already a killer flu in the US. They believe it's already killing thousands and the media isn't covering it. Many of them will tell you they've had the flu themselves. My point is... It's killing thousands in the US but not in the rest of the world, I doubt you'll have to worry about it. Apparently for some reason it's only killing record numbers of Americans.

S&F for you

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 05:16 PM
This is very scary indeed, what makes it even more so is the lack of coverage this is recieving in the media in scotland. its a lot more widespread than they are letting on...

i was on the train coming back from glasgow the other day and the guy beside me was on his phone, as you do i was eavesdropping and heard that 2 people in his work had confirmed swine flu. another 15 had been sent home as a precaution, including him.

all i have heard on the news lately is MP's expense scandel and the iran elections.

the government really has to get a grip, drop the bs and keep the population informed!!!

S+F for the news

[edit on 23-6-2009 by connelly4245]

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by captiva

Good thread, Captiva. I believe that while H1N1 is not much different from regular seasonal influenza at this point, it has a real possibility of being much worse if it recurs again later on in the year. There are certain parallels between this flu and the 1918 event:

1. 1918 also began in the winter, rather than the summer, when most flues begin.

2. 1918 flu attenuated somewhat and then recurred later on in the year as a much more virulent flu. (this has yet to be confirmed, but the patterns are in place).

3. 1918 flu involved a Cytokine Storm, which utilizes your own immune system, and seems to attack the healthy -- 20 -40. H1N1 seems to be doing this as well.

4. 1918 flu was thought to be an avian flu. I wasn't so much that it was a flu with a high mortality, but that it was particularly communicable. That was a time when there weren't commercial airlines and other modes of travel. People tended to live further apart than now.

I think it's a valid and real concern. I read enough to fortify my belief that the vaccines are a case of the cure being worse than the disease. I won't be taking any vaccine, voluntarily or otherwise. We all have to make our own decisions about this issue, for the safety of our families, and I hope everyone researches the issue sufficiently to make an informed decision and doesn't just let their governments tell them "what is best for them."

I'm sick right now. My Bride and I had to travel to the big island here last week, and we both got sick. We're not bad off, just a standard low-grade flu. I wonder.. if it will turn out to be a good thing for us, our bodies developing the immunities to protect us later in the year. That is exactly what the vaccines are supposed to do. Research "Baxter" AND "vaccine" and see if you want to get vaccinated.

I'm very interested in threads like yours, that detail the response and systems of smaller governments. Thanks much

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 05:58 PM
i havent read much of this thread, but i get the message

don't worry

swine flu has been around for years believe it or not, its just that today its became much more contagious.
my dad works away, and he had it, all he did was sit it out in bed with some soup and tv

the woman who died was dying anyway. i looked into it
and when you mentioned scotland planning for the worst. then watch the film doomsday, its quite funny, about quarantine scotland from the world because of a virus

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 06:03 PM
Good thread cheers... hands up all those who would be happy getting the flu jab/take the Tamiflu tablets?

If I was absolutely forced i.e excluded from society or persecuted I probably would take the tablets, at least you can pretend you've taken them if need be. Unless of course evidence is provided to show that both were completely safe and the 'right' thing to do. Rrrriiighhht.

"I dreamed a dream of time gone by
When I was high
And life worth living
I dreamed that I would never die
I dreamed that God would be forgiving
Then I was young and unaware
And drugs were made and used and tested
There was no ransom or no care
No song unsung, no wine unwasted"


posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by argentus
reply to post by captiva

Good thread, Captiva. I believe that while H1N1 is not much different from regular seasonal influenza at this point, it has a real possibility of being much worse if it recurs again later on in the year. There are certain parallels between this flu and the 1918 event:

I don't understand how you could consider this a mild flu, or no worse than a normal flu. That line was fed to the people by the MSM a few weeks ago. Right now the CFR rate is .43% and now look at these numbers for the last 3 pandemics.

Source Peter Osborn You must see these numbers!

Spanish flu (1918-1919) CFR 2-3 %
Asian flu (1957-1958) CFR < 0.2 %
Hong Kong (1967-1968) CFR < 0.2%

I see a very different story in the above. H1N1 is double the CFR for the last two pandemics already based on the WHO & CDC numbers. Add in that this Monday they reported 51 more deaths in the US over the weekend. There was no coverage of this in our MSM.

Today it is well over 90 degrees here in the Midwest and across many of the States and yet we are experiencing an exponential growth in the number of flu cases.

Please look at the last graph on the link above. The cases from June 5th forward are on the rise like never before. I also agree that if the governments are spending billions on a cure, and they are basically broke, they know something is seriously wrong.

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 06:39 PM
My mother caught it and she basically had seriously bad flu for two days,third and forth were like your average cold and now its gone.Im quite lucky as im always in close proximity to her everyday and i didn't catch it,so either my super goji berry diet is paying off or im lucky..Im from Scotland btw.I never thought the SNP would be the scare mongering type...but there you go.Yes we should be cautious about swine flu later this year... but giving numbers etc when we dont even know if it will survive those months which a large percentage of viruses don't... is a tad presumptuous i think.Certainly make the public aware of the dangers that may come,dishing out numbers on dubious evidence is short sighted and scare mongering as far as im concerned.

[edit on 23-6-2009 by Solomons]

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by captiva

Whatever you think, there is one thing for sure. Governments dont spend millions on vaccines when they are broke and here in Scotland the intention is that all of the population will be getting vaccinated.

I've been busy this week and never watch the regional news anyway. However, my mother had the Asian flu and has never had any cold or Flu since. She said she heard on the News that the elderly won't be given the vaccine as they are apparently immune!

As I say, I don't know whether this was the Scottish news or UK BBC News.

"Two birds with one stone" comes to mind. Very convenient for the Government, who happen to be strapped for cash. Letting all the elderly die off saves on pensions and lessens the burden on NHS resources.

I personally think it is going to mutate into something very nasty, and I don't think the Government will ever tell us any more than they absolutely have to. Unless they are trying to distract us from something bigger that they are trying to play down.

Also, I won't be taking their vaccine.

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 07:52 PM
A paranoid conspiracy theory..

The winter of 2005/6 in Washington DC, actually, at a location midway between the CIA and Pentagon.. my son, neighbors, and I got the worst flu we had ever had. Never before had I coughed, and almost choked on the quantity that came up. I started looking at the obituary columns in the Post and they were pages long... describing many people with one hell of a nasty flu.. But no pandemic alert.

I wondered, if this were preparation for the final culling. That the employees and support staffers of the federal city might survive whatever they had planned. with antibodies to at least part of whatever was coming....

I thought this just another paranoid fever induced episode because I was sick as a dog conspiracy whimsy...until I was reading this thread about the new "flu"...

Readers might wish to post how many entries are in their local newspaper obituary columns.. so we might have real time data...

[edit on 23-6-2009 by seataka]

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 02:58 AM
Thanks to those who have replied for the thoughts and ideas.

Checking our local paper they dont mention cause of death in the obituary column. If the elderly are more at risk and make up the obituary page numbers the data wont be there.

I have many contacts in local social work who work for and with disabled young adults. Organisational contingency plans are in motion in a high percentage of these organisations (staff to live in if needed, extra food bought, extra medication in house, extra money), I will know if any of these communities are affected.


posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 04:23 AM
reply to post by seataka


I'm sorry you were so sick, but thanks for sharing that post. Reading local obits is a fantastic idea- are you a cultural anthropologist? (no sarcasm- real question). It's the same kind of thing we've been doing by monitoring traffic, as there's no news of any value-- thanks for the idea as I will try to correlate the discrepencies I see in Chicago.

In good health,


EDIT: Another idea would be to check with local houses of worship who are involved in food banks, shelters, etc. We are -in the US- in the middle of a dangerous heat wave, and a gentleman died yesterday- ostensibly from the heat, even though his A/C was working and he was middle-aged, yet healthy. I wonder how many flu deaths will be passed of as either hunger or exposure due to the economy and the weather? A pastor/priest/imam/rabbi wouldn't lie about people being ill. It's another source of information if people really want to dig.

[edit on 24-6-2009 by CultureD]

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by Absum!

I don't understand how you could consider this a mild flu, or no worse than a normal flu. That line was fed to the people by the MSM a few weeks ago. Right now the CFR rate is .43% and now look at these numbers for the last 3 pandemics.

I didn't say anywhere that I considered it mild. I said

I believe that while H1N1 is not much different from regular seasonal influenza at this point, it has a real possibility of being much worse if it recurs again later on in the year.
It is anything but mild.

If you look at Mr. Osborn's graphs, they indicate that the CFR is attenuating, much as seasonal flues do. I think H1N1 is a serious concern, as I stated.

Appreciate your bringing Peter Osborn's information to light. He also follows CDC,, WHO. At this point, the more information, the better and sometimes people who cull from these sources, present the material in a more digestible form.

I've stated elsewhere here at ATS that I firmly believe H1N1 numbers to be severely underreported; I can see it happening here in my own country as well as others. The CDC say themselves that they are overwhelmed with sampling, and the methodology is to sample from one or two from a group and extropolate from there. I think this also results in an underreporting of total deaths.

Our seasonal flu usually spikes up initially, attenuates and results in an overall average. I hope that's what happens with H1N1, but I don't believe it will. We will see.

Thanks again for the information.

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 06:53 AM
I can't help but think that this is the reason for the mysterious FEMA coffins that were reported last year. If they do in fact end up getting used for this, then it will be pretty hard to deny government involvement. This will be 9/11 all over again.

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 07:06 AM
reply to post by Karlhungis

Good angle Karl.... I hadn't made that connection, but I think it's a valid one. That would certainly widen the conspiracy to a premeditated pandemic, wouldn't it. I hope that's not so, as it would be yet another conspiracy that would be extremely difficult to prove.

As always, we'll just have to keep our eyes wide open and take the spoonfed news with a critical eye.

Somewhat off-topic, but related....... I see on one hand the MSM, whom I don't trust to give us the real story, and sites similar to this on the other hand, who might tend toward embracing "fringe" ideas. Where do we get real news? News, I guess, is in the minds of the beholder, culled from all sources and hopefully we can keep our minds open enough to change our views if/when sufficient evidence to the contrary is presented.

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by argentus

Good question about who to trust. I just don't know anymore. I certainly don't trust the MSM and sites like ATS can obviously go overboard on the sensationalism. My own personal method is to skim ATS with a heavy BS filter and hope that my intuition can lead me to the truth.

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 09:00 AM
Regarding the FEMA coffins mentioned earlier, I have a friend whos brother makes of all things coffins ! Ive just emailed him to ask if their has been any increase in orders by any of the major funeral directors, or anything that would strike him as being diffirent about orders or special requests.

Will update if I receive a reply.



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