posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by Ssemaje Jhrvys
To All ATS Gullibles:
Just thought I'd say hey, how ya doin and all that good stuff.
I love going into a thread and reading the comments people post.
It's good to see all the different points of views people have.
But honestly, some of the posts I see from some people....
Well lets just say that to me, it either makes me think that those particular people are so far gone in their brains that have allowed them to make
certain bizarre connections, or they're seeing how far they can push it before someone types 'lol'...
They are so ignorant of certain obvious facts they can't see Reality
That some of those people could actually be working for the very thing we are against, and are here specifically as DisInfo Agents, to throw us off
track, or to make US feel "Dumb" or "Ignorant"; Putting us "TruthSeekers" down as the "Crazies" or the "Nutjobs"
(not changed this, as it
can work both ways)
So in summation.... I'm not putting anyone down or anything like that, I'm simply saying that... we... well, I at least know that Spacecakes run
amok on our lovely forums here, and I'm just extending the hand of friendship regardless, cause I mean afterall
They, like us, are *human...
*(despite what they may think)
**Note to Mods
If this is in any way a violation of terms, I apologize in advance and do not refuse deletion if necessary.