posted on Feb, 9 2003 @ 01:48 PM reports
'Feeling Congressional heat, the Defense Department announced on Friday the formation of two committees to examine privacy issues and oversight of
the Total Information Awareness Program. The Pentagon stated its hope that the committees will allay fears of TIA operating outside the bounds of
"U.S. constitutional law, U.S. statutory law and American values related to privacy". Senator Ron Wyden (D. Ore.), sponsor of the budget amendment
calling for accountability, explains "neither of these [committees] should take the place of legal safeguards written in the law and strong
congressional oversight."
I hope you guys really support these committees as to me it looks like there is SOME control left by and for the people.
Defense Dept. Accouncment
Senator Wyden's talk in Congress....very good
'My concern is the program that has been developed by Mr. Poindexter is going forward without congressional oversight and without clear
accountability and guidelines. That is why I think it is important for the Senate, as we reflect on the need to fight terrorism while balancing the
need to protect the rights of our citizens, to emphasize how important it is a program like this be subject to congressional oversight, and that there
be clear accountability'
This guy is awesome, need more like him. I urge you to read the rest of his speech.
[Edited on 9-2-2003 by Grommer]