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Swine flu in Australia before the world knew it was in Mexico?

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posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 08:56 AM
SWINE flu was running rampant through Melbourne's northern suburbs before it was even revealed as a major threat in Mexico, Victoria's health officials and top investigators now believe.

Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory director Dr Mike Catton said it was likely an overseas traveller brought swine flu to Victoria before the Mexican outbreak gained international attention in late April.

But because the strain was less severe than first feared, infected Melburnians did not associate their mild symptoms with the Mexican outbreak and never presented for testing - unknowingly spreading the disease through the community unabated.

This is something!

I wonder how many other nations have a similar scenario?

[edit on 21-6-2009 by Burginthorn]

posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by Burginthorn

I wonder how many other nations have a similar scenario?

At least a couple hopefully or else it would be very suspect. I've always thought something was suspicious about the way the Australian Government have handled this flu and recently even lowered its threat level while it is still high in every other country where it's running wild. Perhaps they are trying to hide us.

posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 09:20 AM
I'm just completely surprised that I've heard no response from WHO regarding our (Oz) lowering of our official stance on Swine Flu. As far as I know we're the only country that has ... seems extremely strange. Either we are aware of the true nature of the virus and are calling it as we see it ... but then why are all the other countries maintaing a higher alert ? Or we are for some unknown reason going against the worldwide trend and lowering our alert level ... either way, very strange !

posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 06:27 PM
I don't know if this is related as I know the swine flu symptoms are supposed to be mild, however in south east Queensland in mid April, there was a strange flu like bug going around. It put people to bed for up to a week and the people who had it said they had never experienced a flu like it. This was before swine flu was common knowledge. Of course the doctors said it was a virus, as they do with just about everything these days, but I can't help but wonder if there was a connection.

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by zenius
...there was a strange flu like bug going around. It put people to bed for up to a week and the people who had it said they had never experienced a flu like it.

Same thing happened in the Southern US this winter, strange, strong flu that took much longer to get over than "normal" flu, this was in January/February timeframe of this year.

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 02:21 AM
A lot of the people I know currently have "a" flu. I suspect that I probably already have their flu too, just hoping it isn't the swine flu.

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 02:56 AM
My toddler has had flu symptoms on and off for 2 weeks. Just when he's getting better he crashes and burns again. I don't know what is the cause but I'm too scared to take him to a doctor because I don't want to risk being somewhere where people are more likely to pick up swine flu. I tow I should but then he comes good again for a day or two and think well I won't take the risk now he's better. It's so frustrating. Has anyone else heard of these on and off symptoms with all these flu bugs going around?

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 03:06 AM
My daughter and her BF were horribly sick with a flu-type thing back in March . She never takes time off from work, and this time had to take off two weeks. A bunch of their friends were much sicker than they expected with the flu too.

Their symptoms involved low temperatures, gastro, extreme weakness.

They've just got better from a second flu, but this was just like a normal flu.
- They didn't think they were going to die this time.

Oh, this was Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Australia.


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