posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 02:48 AM
I just had a very disturbing dream. I can't sleep, alot of energy running through me, and people have also been contacting me saying they are
I drive to a bar with my friends and went inside, but when we got there it was my bedroom, turned into a bar, some chick on my bed. So I order 4
beer, and then realise I have no money. So I try to stop the order, and I run over, but the bar starts to get full quickly.
I run back and then people start playing with me, yet in a way they seem nice, but sort of malevolent in a way, handing me their wallets saying take
my etc., but them I realised that they were playing with me.
The place starts to get wild with people and violent overtones start to happen, and I see out of the corner of my eye two rippled up painted naked men
sparing. One was a black and white skeleton, and I cannot remember what the other one was, but the skeleton was so real when his opponent pulled his
face his mask moved liked it was his skin later in the dream.
A person approached me, who was kind of handicapped and nice telling me about volunteer work, and he kept getting in close and all the sudden he
pushed on me, so I pushed back and then he pushed me hard, so I stopped and warned him, and said I only stick to love.
Then I realise everyone is gone, from the bar, but besides the guy who pushed me and some other person with me by my side. There is blood on the
floor and what looks like the bar is trashed. The two men are now on the floor in a knock drag down fight, and the skeleton is down, but not giving
up. The person with me and I decide to sneak past the two fighting on the floor and get outside away from them.
As I exited I realised my friends has abandoned me there in that place, and then I saw this terrible scene, where everyone was dead. There we
decapitations, and peoff.ple were literally sliced up. It was like a scene from Stormship Troopers where the bugs go there, and my friends truck was
gone, so I am thinking they ran. There was no one alive, and the world felt quiet.
I dunno. I did mention Swiss Air 111 twice today in a conversation where lately with this 2012 stuff I feel like the guy who left the plane at the
last minute, and everyone else did not survive, and well that scene might describe total destruction of that crash.
However I feel it is more. It was not good, I got a very bad feeling about these two men fighting. Anyway, I am just posting here in case others are
also getting similar dreams.
As I say, in the past few days, I have had a number of people say they feel there is something dreadful on the way, one of them being a 16 yo girl who
does not follow this 2012 stuff, or politics. Very strange.