I thought this is a interesting case to share. A interesting hovering light object on june 6th that seems ot be in three different video's from a
different place in Amsterdam, Holland. That would be a first, or not?
So a interesting case to disect and analyze.
1 Boy shooting a video for a school assignment stumbled on it.
2 This guy is thinking that this is a lightsignal (normally shot from a boat), but he seems to be startled by the final move.
3 Guy says that he took a walk because his girlfriend is snorring too much. He says he took his camera with him to be able to proof that to his
girlfriend when she would find out that he took "a walk". Any way he is not saying it is a UFO, maybe military or a clown playing with a light, he
thinks, but he is asking people around him to see if they see it to, and they do, which gives the video more credit.
I withhold my own view for a moment to see what you think of it. Tell me what you think.