posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 05:33 PM
The rumors going around most sites I read is that D3 wont be released untill some time in 2010.
The rumors are based on the fact that Blizzard is releasing Starcraft 2 this year in the last quarter. Many people cant see Blizzard releasing
Starcraft 2 & Diablo 3 within the same year. Hence why most people think it will be a Q4 2010 release. Still more than a year away. :bnghd:
Also, there doesnt seem to be a lot of work done on D3. They still have yet to name the other 3 classes in the game (rumored to be unveiled at
Blizzcon 2009).
I really hope Im wrong. But at the same time, I know it will be epic, since Blizzard just wont release a game unless its met their standards.