posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 11:23 PM
Meaning simplified (I really did this for myself but will post here)
Word - In Greek "word" the "Logus." refers to the life giving semen coming from the top of the erect Sacred Mountain (phallus).
Rain = semen They were seen in the ancient world as the same thing (as both produced fruit)
Wine - is the semen, "the blood that is thy life,"
Grapes - of the testes from which flows the semen or wine.
“Living water” refers to semen, which literally is the liquid of life.
"Water of life" refers to semen, which literally is the liquid of life.
"Sacred Mountain" - Phallus of God
Dew - Sperm
"The bread of life" God gives the true bread from heaven.
Mass - translates as "male seed"
"Fish" in Tantric rites, is a man offering semen through masturbator practices.
"The Tree of Life" - The tree being the phallus of the Gods and its fruit being semen.
"Holy Grail" - a mistranslation of early French words for "royal blood,"
"Golden liquid" - is created during sexual union, which according to Taoist adepts is the inner alchemy instrumental in achieving longevity and even
(im)mortality? (I think the article missed the im part?)
Jesus/Joshua in its Greek form means ‘the semen that heals or fructifies,’ the god’s juice that gives life.
Rosi-Crucis (the Cup of the Waters identified as a red cross within a circle…the Holy Grail .) This Dew is connected with both male semen and the
holy cross.
"The Origin of the Holy Communion” at the crucifixion Mary Magdalene performed one last favour for the Messiah, and collected some of his semen in
a cup, drinking it from a vaginal cup represents the holy sexual union of man and woman!”
"The giant Cosmic Sacred Mountain" was considered to be a deity sometimes as a giant erect penis and the water coming out the top of the cosmic
mountain was considered to be "God's" semen, the giver of life.
"Hallelujah" means God is ejaculating in the sky eg it is raining.
...unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you" (John 6:53).
Jesus reveals himself as "the bread of life",
"Knowing Oneself", is interpreted as masturbation, of "collecting all that has been scattered of oneself into oneself again",
"Universal medicine," "Elixir," or "Philosopher's stone." - attributed as trans formative powers from the human reproductive cells.
Deuteronomy 33:19 They shall call the people unto the mountain; (the phallus of God) there they shall offer sacrifices of righteousness: for they
shall suck of the abundance of the seas, and of treasures hid in the sand.
scarlet thread- blood line type
Throne - spine