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WHO adds lethality (danger to humans) to criteria for A/H1N1 Pandemic

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posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 09:23 AM
It looks like the flu is killing faster and spreading more rapidly, and as such, Fukoda, from WHO is adding the component of mortality or lethality to the criteria for the Phase 6 Pandemic declaration.

Either states and countries are reporting more cases, or the flu is spreading as a novel strain would and should, the WHO is not taking chances now (that the barn door is closed....):

This article is dated 22 May- and yet is eerily prescient, considernig the higher morbidity and mortality rates occuring.

In the US it's 5-10 new deaths/day. Argentina lost a baby this morning (AP) and many countries, such as China (Hong Kong) have stated they are unprepared for flu season, which begins late July.

Found it interesting that nearly a month ago, WHO considered mortality when deciding on Level 6. Again, I must ask, what did they know that they did not share?

I have many questions but can't type today- friends- fill me in- help us fill in the blanks.


posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 09:42 AM
Woohoooo more scare tactics. There are entire Inuit and Dene reserves in Canada that have way less natural immunity than us white folks that have become sick with this one has died...people are recovering.


There was a case in a town in my province of Newfoundland...they recovered.

A fellow I know came back from vacation in Mexico with what he described as a bad cold or flu...whether it was swine flu or not can't be known but he didn't go to any doctor and he got over it.

I don't know about all this. I'm not getting any g.d vaccine for this #e though that's for sure if one comes along.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 09:53 AM
I live in a major, city, have actual friends around the world, and like to think that I know many people. With that said, I do not know a single person with a confirmed case of H1N1.

With that said, I also question the validity behind the severity for this strain of flu, and what possible motive there would be to overhype the situation.

I wonder if we could get a poll going among ATS members with # of known deaths, # of known illnesses with recovery, etc... Would we be able to trust the accuracy of such a poll? I'd just like a guage for what's really going on.

One other thing, there is no way I am subjecting myself or my family to the vaccination.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by tamusan
I live in a major, city, have actual friends around the world, and like to think that I know many people. With that said, I do not know a single person with a confirmed case of H1N1.

With that said, I also question the validity behind the severity for this strain of flu, and what possible motive there would be to overhype the situation.

I wonder if we could get a poll going among ATS members with # of known deaths, # of known illnesses with recovery, etc... Would we be able to trust the accuracy of such a poll? I'd just like a guage for what's really going on.

One other thing, there is no way I am subjecting myself or my family to the vaccination.

I´m in the same situation, but it just makes me more suspicious about the true meaning of this over hyped (if it is) pandemic. I believe this will only result in more power grabs and less freedom...

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 11:43 AM
It's difficult to know what to do. I need solid facts in order to make a decision. I am not finding the current sources of this alleged pandemic very trustworthy. In the back of my mind, someone has engineered the severity of the situation (not the virus).

I do not know of anyone (directly or indirectly) who has had the swine flu. I find that unusual for a pandemic situation. My only source is the news. For just about anything else, if I cannot find a friend afflicted by it, I can find a friend of a friend who has been.

So far, I see nothing more than a scenario brewing where I am subjected to fewer freedoms.

If anyone has an opinion about whether it would be safer to be in the U.S. or Japan, please send me an U2U.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 02:34 AM
I'm in the Chicago area.

A lot of people are ill- stores, schools, everywhere. We keep sanitizer and gloves in the car- walk out of roms where people are cisk- get groceries later, etc.

We have close friends who are Arginitnian, who were there recently to see family and they are home, ill, and have no ontention to go to hospital. We are avoiding them, all of our mutual friends with whom they're had contact, etc.

It is absolutely here- in whatever form- but in our little town of 30,000, or so, alone, it seems a good 40% are out and about with frank illness.

If NYC has an estimated 550K cases, and as the death rates are climbing, I expect to see Chicago, Atlanta, LA, etc., following suit- major airport hubs, huge populations.

The traffic, however, is very light in a metro area of INTENSE traffic- taking sometimes an hour to go 15 miles. We can get in and out of the city center in an hour- used to take half a day- 1.5-2.5 hours each way, off-peak, to drive 23 miles.

Something's happening- and if the news doesn't report it, look around and be your own anthropologists. Where is the traffic? Are schools closed? Are people sick? Have you seen your neighbors., etc.?

Then, maybe we could compile our observations

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 05:36 AM
Only serious cases are tested. So most cases go uncounted.

In my town two people were serious enough to get confirmed, 1 student and 1 teacher. Everyone has had the cough for a week, and I mean everyone I meet. Everyone in my family, everyone I work with.

None of us, even the confirmed ones, show up on any of the maps, therefore, none of us show up in the count.

If one of us died, they would surely show up in the death count.

So the death rate is rediculously high a percentage relative the number of confirmed cases.


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