posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 05:36 PM
I'm trying to study in personal way the development of I- Ching and I will try to explain something related to the design of the graph of the
The HEIGHT of the graph and changement in the THREE heights, HIGH, MEDIUM, and LOW have a kind of importance.
EARTH symbol, Earthquake, two " mountains " and between the two formation, a fall in all of the graph, all the stadiums of height
IMPORTANT STRUCTURE: " a mountain " formed in medium and low heights
WATER symbol, Flood, Tsunami, " hill ", " mountain " and fall in the high height than a hill
WIND symbol, Cyclone, is designed in the low part of the graph, forms like a wave in the low height
Technological progress falls in the high and medium part of the graph between two hills
FIRE symbol, war maybe, happens in the medium part of the graph only
A disaster caused by a structure happens only in the high part of the graph
Well-being is designed like a non-changing line, exactly like creative works
Open-ness is designed like a small fall in the high part of the graph
Revolution happens only in the medium part of the graph
Pionieristic action, invention forms a U design on the graph in high and medium part of the graph
Important research forms a small fall only happening in the low part of the graph
Ocean disaster can happen in high and low part of the graph and is a small fall
STATUS QUO symbol is designed as a big hill formation in medium and low part of the graph
Cultural and spiritual development happens like a big fall in all the parts of the graph
Well-being can also be represented by a big hill before a fall
Technology can be represented by a big hill and two small columns
Water symbol can be represented by a small column between two big falls
Development of a important structure, two columns and a very big hill
War, a hill, followed by a big fall and a greater hill following the fall
Recession is designed as a Z with the beginning of the letter symbol looking toward the left-north part of the graph
Tension is represented by a extended hill and a fall, than a smaller hill with another fall
Conflict followes the system -small fall-small hill- extended fall- wall formation-
Teamwork, big fall, big hill followed by a lines who goes in the low part of the graph
Unification, a big and tall hill that always comes after a free-fall
Peace, extended hill and line going through the medium part of the graph
Stagnation happens in years with an extended hill formation that covers the greatest part of the year
Indipendence, designed like a big hill followed by a hill that seems to fall toward the preceeding hill, seems to fall toward left
Renaissance happens if, after a free-fall, a small column forms and a line goes through the middle part of the graph
Reaching a goal is deigned like a hill followed by an extended line that goes through the middle of the graph
Thinking what decision to take is designed like a serie of three columns coming one after the other
When situation is going better, a formation of two columns
Division happens if after a straight line there is a hill formation
Returning of or toward something concept is designed like a small hill followed by a low straight line
The concept of need is represented by a formation in extension that looks like a bridge drawing: column, straight low line, another column more far
BAD EVENTS: designed like -small fall-column- extended stright line- another column-straight line-
Progress, after a big fall, the formation of two columns very near each other
Sudden collapse f something, sudden bad situation: a big fall between a big hill and a smaller hill, than a long straight line
Opposition concept: small fall, small hill, bigger fall, bigger hill
Halt, hard times: very big fall, two columns very near, straight low line
Solution concept: small fall, two columns very near, even lowest straight line, near the