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possible Mothman sighting

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posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by TwiTcHomatic

Ah, I thought Mothman was a specific WV cryptid, not one that was seen around the world, i haven't heard of any reports of him from anywhere else.

I thought in WV there was Mothman, and other places had their own, like New Jersey has the Jersey Devil and etc.

Another example of a cryptid that is equivalent to our Mothman, but not him, is the Owlman(, so maybe each zone has their own version of the same monster, or maybe their different monsters (such as the Jersey Devil which isn't really even close to the description of the Mothman)

I inserted some more info i found

[edit on 5-7-2009 by Shaved Yeti]

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by bobbyboy

Excellent! S&F for you, my friend! I love moth man!
He's my fave cryptoid besides Chupacabra!

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 01:08 AM
seems like it would be a very slim sighting or time period...

posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by bobbyboy

I understand what your saying, I have seen it too. I have also seen the movie, mothman prophecies. I also think that "The Fourth Kind" is like the same demonic creature. Before I thought the idea of the name "mothman" was stupid. I didn't beleive it was true. Then I found it was. My family has seen it too. Whats disturbing is, is that people have seen it and then disaters took place. Just like in the movie. SCARY.

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by Agatha
reply to post by bobbyboy

I understand what your saying, I have seen it too. I have also seen the movie, mothman prophecies. I also think that "The Fourth Kind" is like the same demonic creature. Before I thought the idea of the name "mothman" was stupid. I didn't beleive it was true. Then I found it was. My family has seen it too. Whats disturbing is, is that people have seen it and then disaters took place. Just like in the movie. SCARY.

Same here. I made a thread about an encounter me and my brother had with it. The Mothman is indeed a very powerfull entity. Maybe he's reading this thread right now

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