First Up I posted this as a response to another old thread from 2004
but I felt iT deserved its own post.
Also they talk a bit about the experience here too
There is also some interesting videos here
I am wondering how to turn off my sender telepathy, I kind of have a tourettes telepathy, it can become a bit of a problem coz ill put thoughts into
someones head about me or something, it could be bad, but its just intrusive thoughts, that i broadcast, its a pain in the ass, coz i know what their
thinkin because i made them think it then they think they are right because they picked up on it, which they did, but its not a real thought, its just
knee jerk stuff thats hyped up by the very action of trying to get rid of it, it grows bigger and seems to give it the energy required to send it, a
bit like an ftp file or something.
anyway, lol thats screwed up telepathy for ya, I think a ginormous ammount of people have this, but just dont realise they use it all the time,
probably everyone. Ive gotten so many confirmations from it, I am trying to say it too people if they ever recognise it but sometimes its hard to
mention it incase you look stupid, or incase you embaress them if they dont want to talk about it, or they just pretend to not recognise it for fear
of embaressment which will make you think that you where wrong all along, I think the reason its such a sensitive subject is that the society we live
in has thought us to preserve and respect our privacy but how un private can you get when your in on someones thoughts?
its something to think about. yet i still have to find way off turning off my broadcast when needs be, i have tried thinking of other things.
I think humans should talk about this stuff a lot more, I am going to try to, but then theres also a sense that you ar ruining somehting special by
vocalizing it, it no longer becomes the mysterious part of life that everyone enjoys and perhaps thats another reason people dont like to talk about
it, they feel it might ruin the experience.
would love to hear anyones thoughts on my own thoughts, telepathically or otherwise
[edit on 15-6-2009 by Boostah]